They are beneficial to some and not to others. Some growers want to have more control over things while others are happy with growing some plants outdoors. I know both and I do both.
Some growers want multiple harvests per year so they grow indoors. Some grow enough outdoors to last them an entire year and that's all they care about. I have friends that have never grown indoors. They grow outdoors once a year and that supply lasts them until the next season. The weed might not be as good as some indoor grown but it's good enough for them and they're happy.
Other growers want to grow the absolute best they possibly can and invest in equipment and setup elaborate grow rooms that allow them to maintain all aspects of the environment. They're happy as well.
One thing you have to realize is that most people are not the weed connoisseurs you find on online forums like this. The majority of people just want a bag of decent weed to smoke. They don't care about the latest LED's, environmental controllers, C02, the latest drop from some seed supplier, etc... The question you asked is most likely going to get a majority of responses in favor growing in a grow room.
You really have to decide if it's beneficial to you. Do you want to invest a bunch of money setting up a grow room? Do you need a constant supply of "Top Shelf" weed? Or would you be satisfied with growing enough decent outdoor weed to last you from season to season? If you're in California all you need is 6 plants and the sun to grow outdoors. Indoors you'll have to pay for electricity and equipment and it's going to require more of your time.