Are growing rooms really benefitial?


Hello there guys!

I'm new to growing, my name is Christina, and I'm from California. I've been reading a lot about the growing rooms for indoors and I don't understand why is it beneficial to grow this way? Could you please tell me if it's just a matter of space and safety or there are actual benefits?
Like stated before you have the ability to control of the environment. Therefore you can create an ideal environment to optimize growth which equates to better growth rates and better quality.
Like stated before you have the ability to control of the environment. Therefore you can create an ideal environment to optimize growth which equates to better growth rates and better quality.
Like stated before you have the ability to control of the environment. Therefore you can create an ideal environment to optimize growth which equates to better growth rates and better quality.
Of course... That makes a lot of sense, but now I'm guessing it may require a considerable initial investment for a beginner, right? or there is a way to have your own grow room on a budget?

Of course... That makes a lot of sense, but now I'm guessing it may require a considerable initial investment for a beginner, right? or there is a way to have your own grow room on a budget?

Initial cost varies as usual depending on various factors. How many plants do you want to grow, how big do you want to grow them, what medium are going to use, what type of lighting, what is your regional climate like? A few other variable as well but for the most part the answer to those questions will determine a major part of what your initial investment will consist of.

Of course... That makes a lot of sense, but now I'm guessing it may require a considerable initial investment for a beginner, right? or there is a way to have your own grow room on a budget?

As a beginner its a delicate dance.

You can buy all the good stuff and still not make it without plant sense. And likewise you could skimp and have a great results because you can talk plants.

My first grow was with bag seed and CFLs. Then I realized, I really could do this and picked up a 400W HPS/HM and started all over. I ditched the CFL grow. It did what I needed to feel comfortable in making the jump to more investment.

Also, what do you want out of your plant? You may get some seed, you may not get amazing yields and it may not the best bud you ever smoked BUT if thats okay and you didn't really put much into, is that okay?

And lastly. Its like growing so many other things. There's always the next time. You will get better each time. Add to your setup a little or a lot as you feel is right and money allows over time. I've been gardening for over 10 years now. Some things I got down pat and others I forget or am still learning. BUT i keep on growing and it makes me happy.
Hello there guys!

I'm new to growing, my name is Christina, and I'm from California. I've been reading a lot about the growing rooms for indoors and I don't understand why is it beneficial to grow this way? Could you please tell me if it's just a matter of space and safety or there are actual benefits?
Unless you use light deprivation outdoors you only get 1 or possibly 2 crops/year depending on where you live in CA. Indoors you can get several. There are fewer pests indoors. There are fewer rippers indoors (assuming you don't tell anyone). Probably a few more things I'm not thinking about.
I grow indoor for two reasons. The first is because someone will jump over my 6ft privacy fence, somehow get around my 4 APBT and steal my plants sure as shit. The second is everyone and their mother is growing now and so many are growing inside and making seeds outside. I know 4 other growers one next door another two houses the other way and two that I can see across the alley. The guy next door is making seeds just on the other side of my fence and the other neighbors are gonna be pissed as hell come October when their buds are full of seeds from all the damn pollen in the air here.
Hello there guys!

I'm new to growing, my name is Christina, and I'm from California. I've been reading a lot about the growing rooms for indoors and I don't understand why is it beneficial to grow this way? Could you please tell me if it's just a matter of space and safety or there are actual benefits?
Indoors is beneficial because of environment control. You can create the perfect environment for your grow which will yield a better quality output. Safety/privacy is just an added benefit. The main reason I grow indoors is because of environment control, lower probability of pest, and I can run multiple grows in a year. Especially when running auto-flower seeds.
They are beneficial to some and not to others. Some growers want to have more control over things while others are happy with growing some plants outdoors. I know both and I do both.

Some growers want multiple harvests per year so they grow indoors. Some grow enough outdoors to last them an entire year and that's all they care about. I have friends that have never grown indoors. They grow outdoors once a year and that supply lasts them until the next season. The weed might not be as good as some indoor grown but it's good enough for them and they're happy.

Other growers want to grow the absolute best they possibly can and invest in equipment and setup elaborate grow rooms that allow them to maintain all aspects of the environment. They're happy as well.

One thing you have to realize is that most people are not the weed connoisseurs you find on online forums like this. The majority of people just want a bag of decent weed to smoke. They don't care about the latest LED's, environmental controllers, C02, the latest drop from some seed supplier, etc... The question you asked is most likely going to get a majority of responses in favor growing in a grow room.

You really have to decide if it's beneficial to you. Do you want to invest a bunch of money setting up a grow room? Do you need a constant supply of "Top Shelf" weed? Or would you be satisfied with growing enough decent outdoor weed to last you from season to season? If you're in California all you need is 6 plants and the sun to grow outdoors. Indoors you'll have to pay for electricity and equipment and it's going to require more of your time.
They are beneficial to some and not to others. Some growers want to have more control over things while others are happy with growing some plants outdoors. I know both and I do both.

Some growers want multiple harvests per year so they grow indoors. Some grow enough outdoors to last them an entire year and that's all they care about. I have friends that have never grown indoors. They grow outdoors once a year and that supply lasts them until the next season. The weed might not be as good as some indoor grown but it's good enough for them and they're happy.

Other growers want to grow the absolute best they possibly can and invest in equipment and setup elaborate grow rooms that allow them to maintain all aspects of the environment. They're happy as well.

One thing you have to realize is that most people are not the weed connoisseurs you find on online forums like this. The majority of people just want a bag of decent weed to smoke. They don't care about the latest LED's, environmental controllers, C02, the latest drop from some seed supplier, etc... The question you asked is most likely going to get a majority of responses in favor growing in a grow room.

You really have to decide if it's beneficial to you. Do you want to invest a bunch of money setting up a grow room? Do you need a constant supply of "Top Shelf" weed? Or would you be satisfied with growing enough decent outdoor weed to last you from season to season? If you're in California all you need is 6 plants and the sun to grow outdoors. Indoors you'll have to pay for electricity and equipment and it's going to require more of your time.

100% agree with this. i think the reality is that to make the investment in indoor growing really be "worth" it (vs just buying from someone else), you have to really love the entire growing process, and be willing to dedicate a lot of time and money towards this. not to say there aren't ways to cut costs and get started on the cheap. and once u get it dialed in, its way cheaper than buying from someone else.

but let's be honest. 99% of us growers on here spend all of our free time and money on grow equipment. and seeds :) and then when we find deals on stuff, we just buy 5x as much. once you pop, you just can't stop lol!

(also, In my case I live in an apartment, and do not have outdoor space even if I wanted to, so I have to grow indoors. in LA we can't grow outside, it has to be inside in a locked room.)

happy Saturday everyone hope you have a relaxing and/or productive weekend!
Environmental control is probably a big deal. I'm anew grower and think that controlling, light, darkness, temp, humidity and air flow have allowed me to make some mistakes since my plants have not been very stressed.
Yeah to outdoors or i don't know if it may differ of hydroponics? Sorry there, I'm just getting into this
The benefits of starting these days is that there is so much information and real data shared by all the major companies in regards to every single aspect. Although overwhelming, it's a different world. Soak it up!
Not everyone lives in California where it's always sunny lol.

There are benefits such as security from theft, controlled environment, you can optimize space and light usage by employing lst/scrog etc. more rigourously indoors, you can prevent pests and/or mold that you would find outside.