I think using bowls and bongs are better ways to converve bud.
Maybe so but you are wasting your time smoking ash. There's no THC in it i'm sorry, I have to disagree. If that's the case, should I then save all my ashes in the ashtray and put them in a bowl and smoke them? Doesn't make sense to me. But, hey man as long as you are getting stoned... That's all that matters. Just back to square one - Personal Preference.The ash still contains some THC. I hit the stuff in my bowl until it pulls through. That's when you know it's done and it's time to pack another. But 1 small bowl of the stuff I get usually keeps me stoned for a while.
I think using bowls and bongs are better ways to converve bud.
I have another question then... How many people on here that smoke bongs and bowls, know how to roll? I'm not talking with a roller or any assistance. I'm mean with your own two hands? Anybody?? I know some of you may not care to know because you don't like joints, but i'm wondering if most of you smoke out of bongs and bowls cuz you don't know how to roll...
i know where you are going...i think...and i agree....most people who don't like joints don't know how to roll one properly, so that it burns the right way, also you got to use the right papers for sure...a joint can be one of the most enjoyable ways to smoke, if it's done properly...also like you said before, it's all about preference...I have another question then... How many people on here that smoke bongs and bowls, know how to roll? I'm not talking with a roller or any assistance. I'm mean with your own two hands? Anybody?? I know some of you may not care to know because you don't like joints, but i'm wondering if most of you smoke out of bongs and bowls cuz you don't know how to roll...
LOL, I thought I was the only one who practiced the "generations" roach joint technique! I haven't thought about that in years! Took my back to my college days. I had one that was a fifth generation and you couldn't even smoke it. It was almost pure tar. But it was fun to work towards that.Joints are a waste of weed, unless you plan on doing generations and grandparent joints. The best high is a waterfall. One bowl can get upward of 10 or more people high!
I don't let any weed go to waste. I'll smoke the black ash in the ash tray.
As far as clear cellophine papers go, I have smoked a few before, It's cool to see and watch the weed burn, but otherwise, it burns like plastic, it's fun the first two times, but that's it.
Also, you can put a cigerette filter on a joint if you have a roller, it really slows the weeds burning down. But you have to tear it open if you want to conserve the weed.
though bowls may be easier and bongs a cooler smoke, joints are a way of life. sitting there patiently rolling a perfect joint is almost meditative. lovingly dismembering that perfect bud, slowly crumbling it into a small rollable mound (no grinders or such, the feel of the herb is too delightful for those crude tools), carefully spreading it across the paper and gently forming that flawless cylinder of delight. a quick lick and a tender caress to seal the moistened edge, then on to the next perfect number. better than bad sex and almost as good as the high itself.
you can go to www.bambu.com and order them there. UPS delivers them within a few days of ordering. They don't sell them at gas stations unfortunately. It costs us around $30 including shipping for a box of 25 individual packs of papers. About 33 leafs in each pack so it should last you quite a few months. We smoke everyday and it last us months... You can also by a box of 100 packs for like $50. That's like over a year of papers! We find it cheaper that way. Instead of spending close to $4 a pack in a gas station or head shop. Just buy direct! The internet ROCKS. Also they package in a plain brown box.how much are the hemp papers
Yeah I wasn't trying to disrespect anyone. I just find out along the years, the more people I meet that smoke bowls just don't know how to roll or just don't care to. I'd rather smoke a joint while driving cuz it looks like a ciggarette if you smoke it like one (holding it like a cigg). It's hard for cops to tell the difference unless they see you upclose. I'd rather get caught with a roach then a bowl. Paraphenalia is a harsh offense. And just never smoke while stopped in traffic, EVER. No matter what you are smoking. I hate when people want to smoke a bowl while driving around. So very risky.i know where you are going...i think...and i agree....most people who don't like joints don't know how to roll one properly, so that it burns the right way, also you got to use the right papers for sure...a joint can be one of the most enjoyable ways to smoke, if it's done properly...also like you said before, it's all about preference...![]()
My Mom has been a NY Police Officer for 19 years. They have some of the most SOPHISTICATED equipment in the world. I have NEVER had her tell me they test ash for THC. She keeps me informed on new methods cuz she knows my lifestyle. She has told me of them wiping the windshields of Semi's to see if the Truck Driver's are smoking. That's from the smoke depositing chemicals on the windshield. Not from the ash... The NYS Police use the wipes i've heard. Never heard them of using them as "standard procedure" tho... If you know something I don't know about testing ash and have PROOF, please let me know!I beg to differ. You do know cops can test to see if resin or ash contains THC right... It still has THC in it.
Shit, I can't even tell you how many generations this one roach we have is... Gotta be over 20! It's been going for close to 6 months! Roll up the roaches, then smoke it down. You get one left, then get more weed, keep smoking and keep getting more roaches.LOL, I thought I was the only one who practiced the "generations" roach joint technique! I haven't thought about that in years! Took my back to my college days. I had one that was a fifth generation and you couldn't even smoke it. It was almost pure tar. But it was fun to work towards that.
But seriously, me personally I get higher off a joint. But does require more weed. And it really is the best high. My wife and I just smoke joints on little special occasions and every friday movie night. But I get plenty high off of a bowl. I use the shit out of our bowl. A joints alot for 2 people. I think you waste more weed with large joints and blunts. Too each their own.
Joints are most DEFINITELY a way of LIFE! Haha! Well spoken! Except the grinder part... I have to trap my Keif!!! Keif is a best kept secret. You can do so much with it!though bowls may be easier and bongs a cooler smoke, joints are a way of life. sitting there patiently rolling a perfect joint is almost meditative. lovingly dismembering that perfect bud, slowly crumbling it into a small rollable mound (no grinders or such, the feel of the herb is too delightful for those crude tools), carefully spreading it across the paper and gently forming that flawless cylinder of delight. a quick lick and a tender caress to seal the moistened edge, then on to the next perfect number. better than bad sex and almost as good as the high itself.
I'll have to check that out too and see if that's true. It wouldn't surprise me but I've never been pulled over in GA so I can't argue that. Me personally, I never ash in the car, always out the window. So, hopefully i'll never be in that situation - getting my ashes tested. Damn State Police!I don't know if I can find a page related to it but I'll try. I just remember my friend having a run in with the cops where they found some ash in a tray and a little piece of the paper and put both in a container and poured some kind of liquid on it. Supposedly what happens is that if it turns purple then it has THC in it and you can be arrested for it. But I'm down here in GA and the cops were cool to my friend just telling him not to do it again.