Are leaves supposed to drop off during blooming?

I have a bunch of leaves starting to drop off/yellow/looking unhealthy on me..idk if it is from when the power got knocked off during the hurricane..I checked the pH and corrected it when i got back but I'm just trying to figure this out (pics are difficult to tell since I clean out the space and also because of the HID light) The plants have been in bloom for about 9 days now.


Well-Known Member
Sometime during a flush at the end they'll fall. Off but they shouldn't be falling off 9 days into flower. If it's only a couple it's fine but if there are a lot then something's going on. Got any pics?


Sector 5 Moderator
Yellowing leaves at this stage is usually a nitrogen deficiency. Are you removing the fan leaves? It looks like it's been stripped.


New Member
Those plants look thirsty to me, leaves are sposed to turn yellow and fall of but just the big fan leaves those plants look underwatered to me.

Serial Violator

Well-Known Member
N def at the start of flowering it sounds like it to me, hit them with some Nitrogen and you should see improvement in about a week. Try and take a pic with the lights off so we can see the plant colour properly


Sector 5 Moderator
Those plants look thirsty to me, leaves are sposed to turn yellow and fall of but just the big fan leaves those plants look underwatered to me.
I keep seeing you posting behind me that leaves are supposed to fall off and that's not completely true. If you have a healthy plant they will not lose many of their leaves. They will lose a few during the last couple or three weeks but that's due to them using up the nutrients stored in the fan leaves because they are not getting them from the soil.


Well-Known Member
I keep seeing you posting behind me that leaves are supposed to fall off and that's not completely true. If you have a healthy plant they will not lose many of their leaves. They will lose a few during the last couple or three weeks but that's due to them using up the nutrients stored in the fan leaves because they are not getting them from the soil.
Damn, hallelujah. I'm sick of people talking about how the leaves are supposed to fall off. If you keep a plant healthy from start to finish you should only lose a couple of leaves the whole duration of the plants life. The main mistake people make is feeding some 0-50-5 food or something like that during flower. Plants need nitrogen during flower FFS.


New Member
Damn, hallelujah. I'm sick of people talking about how the leaves are supposed to fall off. If you keep a plant healthy from start to finish you should only lose a couple of leaves the whole duration of the plants life. The main mistake people make is feeding some 0-50-5 food or something like that during flower. Plants need nitrogen during flower FFS.
potpimp said:
They will lose a few during the last couple or three weeks but that's due to them using up the nutrients stored in the fan leaves because they are not getting them from the soil.

Now I admit I am no master, I am still a learner most certainly. I however would like to relate my experience. It has been my experience that adding N during flowering promotes considerably greater foliage production during flowering. I prefer to push for the greatest calyx to leaf ration I can achieve not only do I believe that excess foliage contributes a "green" less smooth flavor to the final product I also really dislike having to trim large amounts of "sugar" leaves off to expose the dense core portion of the bud.
There are many reasons for this IMHO Ive heard so many complaints about "loose" buds over the years I just don't even want to hear it anymore so I trim the shit out of my weed if it is going to be publicly scrutinized. I am not worried about having the largest buds, I want the tightest most potent buds. While I accept larger buds may be achieved using a bit of N (just a tad) during flowering, however overdo it and taste and potency will suffer especially if you can taste the N in the final product.
Next I feel confident a certain amount of stress induced during flowering will increase overall potency and scent.
I theorize that any particular plant produces X amount of THC and related compounds per volume and if those buds be tighter and smaller while containing the same amount as a larger looser bud then they are going to be more potent because the same amount of thc is packed into a smaller area.
I also believe that plants collect and store nutrients in a way that nutrients can be remobilized as needed to support plant tissue in other parts of the plant a necessary. I put forward the plant knows better than we do what nutrients it wants to use in what proportions. Allowing the plant to naturally use it's own selected nutrients will create a danker weed than force feeding unnaturally high amounts of compounds that the plant is forced to use to keep itself from choking over it's food, as it where.
SO, I say stress the plant, force the plant to contribute it's own life force to the potency and density of the buds, allow it to transfer unwanted waste products into it's dying fan leaves and drop them to the ground.
You will not get the most or largest buds but you will get the sweetest, densest, dankest, most natural buds you can grow.


Well-Known Member
[/B]While I accept larger buds may be achieved using a bit of N (just a tad) during flowering, however overdo it and taste and potency will suffer especially if you can taste the N in the final product. you mean to tell me you can taste the nitrogen?!? Well, sorry but I'll say that you're full of shit. What does nitrogen taste like? Sorry but that's a weak ass argument for believing that cutting off all the leaves will make your weed taste better.


Sector 5 Moderator
It's simple botany my friend. Healthy roots produce lots of healthy leaves. Leaves are the solar collectors for the plant; they are the energy engine that produces the bud. There is a huge misconception in this forum that leaves somehow are a liability; nothing could be further from the truth. I guarantee that if you take care of the roots, the leaves will be dark green and healthy and the plant will be much bigger and the buds will be much bigger, healthier and more potent and you'll get less email spam and shinier, more manageable hair. It's easy to just let nature take it's course and the plant struggle to survive and flower. When the leaves fall off, the plant is saying that it needs something it's not getting. If you feed it what it needs, it will keep those beautiful leaves it invested its precious energies in, rather than suck what it can from them and cut it off like a gangreneous limb. ...JK about the spam and hair. :)


New Member
try a soil grow use an all natural soil mix on one plant and hose the other one with miracle grow, fertilizers lend flavor to the smoke just like seasoning adds flavor to a meal. It's chemistry man....


New Member
consider these two examples, If I grew a patch of carrots here, and another up on mount adams the two patches would have different flavor due to soil differences.
Or consider coffee beans , why do they collect coffee from all parts of the world? because they taste different.


New Member
I guarantee that if you take care of the roots, the leaves will be dark green and healthy and the plant will be much bigger and the buds will be much bigger, healthier and more potent and you'll get less email spam and shinier, more manageable hair. :)
cant argue with yah there =)


Sector 5 Moderator
That is true but the taste comes from the terpines. Also, plants do not uptake organic compounds, thus "organic" is relatively meaningless. The biggest advantage to using organics is that there is a lot less chance of burning the plants. I don't want my smoke tasting like fertilizer. BTW, I pulled a 4.0 in college chemistry.


Well-Known Member
try a soil grow use an all natural soil mix on one plant and hose the other one with miracle grow, fertilizers lend flavor to the smoke just like seasoning adds flavor to a meal. It's chemistry man....
You remind me of a guy I met the other day....

The story begins as I walk into the liquor store. The clerk there is a medical marijuana patient and he knows I am as well as a caregiver. He says "Hey come to my car real quick" so I obliged and went with him. On the way there he says "How do you grow? Soil or hydro?". "Hydro" I replied. He says "Oh, you get better yield from hydro but better flavor from dirt". I was thinking he was full of shit, but kept it to myself.

When we got to his car he says "Here, check this out, it's called snowcap...smell it". I said "Dude, this is a big bud but it smells like shit." "The purple kush I just grew would have to be triple bagged and put in the trunk or else your whole car would smell like a skunk's bung". He said, "I bet the flavor is better because it was grown in dirt", to which I responded "What does it taste like? Weed? Funny, so does mine."

Moral of the story? Weed tastes like weed unless it is burned or severely overfed. Whether you feed it bat shit, worm shit, or jacks classic it does not matter. If you think you can explain what nitrogen tastes like or the taste of regular water versus RO water go for it. Next thing I know you'll be saying you can taste the chlorine in hose water.