Are my buds curing&drying okay?


Heres pics. I had to cut harvest off short (Cut down plant at week 6 of flowering) due to parents finding out. I smoked a sample nug and got high off it tho.
Im curing in a cardboard box inside my basement. Hows my curing? some of the buds are turning a black color. what is it?



Well-Known Member
That black color looks a lot like mold. If that is the case remove everything black and what is right next to it touching. Mold will spread in no time.
Take the rest of the bud and dry it faster at room temperature for a day or two to make the bud dry on the outside a bit faster - then put it back in the box untill dry enough for glass jar.


Active Member
if u got 2 pc fans to hand, this wil help. cut two holes out either side of box and wire the fans. that will help out loads. needs to have airflow. hope u sort it out soon. good luck


Well-Known Member
Yea, +1 to what these guys said. That's def mold, basement curing without control of environment is mold waiting to happen.


yeaa well my friend actually did it cuz he "hung the buds" from the box and whatnot. did a box cuz the smell would be too strong


Well-Known Member
if you have access to a food dehydrator I'd suggest dropping them in there and finishing the process before it's all screwed.