Are my clones doing ok?


New Member

So I got given a couple clones that pretty much looked dead, they were in plain soil from the ground, the few leafs they had were bridal and spotty and also had pre-flowers on them ,so I didn't bother taken pics,but after 4 days of 18hour light under a 600w hps some new healthy looking growth come through, to my surprise. pics are above

I'm growing in a 1mx1.5m and 1.8m tall garden shed in my garage.
I have a 600w hps light (solarmax bulb running of a 600w nanolux digital ballast also dimmable 50%,75%)
iv mounted a Mountain Air Carbon Filter 100mm x 400mm directly into the roof,connected to a Ezi Air 100mm Centrifugal Fan sucking air out
I have no air input,my theory is that it'll just suck fresh air through the gaps...... ? bad theory?
I also have 2 small oscillating fan's. avge temp is about 30deg c(86º F) and between 30-60% humidity

iv repotted into 10gal pots with a potting mix formulated for tomato's,bad idea maybe?

anyway theys are pics after 10 days

what I want to know is, are they doing will now or still relatively slow? iv only grown outdoors in the past from seed.
and whats the reason behind the strange node growth it only has one branch per node in a pretty messy pattern.....lots of growth on the bigger plant though...