Are my clones flowering?

I got these 4 clones 2 weeks ago and have been keeping them outside with supplimental light 16-8. I'm not sure how strong the grow light is but it seemed to be working. Well I brought them outside this morning and 2 of them have started to white pistils. I hope this doesn't actually mean they are flowering because that's the biggest thing I've tried to avoid. And if so do I re-veg? This is new as of this morning so they the pistils are still very small.20200408_114807.jpgIMG_20200408_115600_01.jpg20200408_114813.jpg
Those are female pre-flowers. Many strains show sex while in veg. It doesn't specifically mean that the plant is flowering.
Congrats it's a girl!
Just pre flowers, means they are ready to flower. ;)
Can continue veg till your ready to flower!