Are my clones no good


Well-Known Member
OK so I took some cuttings about a week ago now. Dipped in clonex put onto rapid rooters in a propagator on a heat mat and under 3 t8s using a fish tank cover.
I read the other day to gently pull at cuttings to see if they had started to take root. I did this to my 3 cuttings and they all just popped straight out of rapid rooter. I didn't look to closely just popped th back in and re wetted the rooter. My question is are they now ruined or is there still a chance they could root. They aren't droopy and look like they are still same as the day I cut them. Not sure if just turn light and heat mat off and give up
As long as the stems arent mushy, and the cutting doesnt look half dead, you can keep it in the rapid roosters and keep trying

If there were no roots to begin with, you did no damage anyway by pulling them out accidentally.

For me, it sometimes takes 2 full weeks for roots to be viable. But I also dont use rooting gel and heat mats either lol, so that may be why.

I simply cut at a steep angle, scrap the stem a bit to open more interior surface area for root growth, drop cuttings in aloe water for a few hours, then right into moist soil and under a semi transparent humidity dome.
First attempt at doing this. Not too fussed if they don't work its all part of learning. I think after continuous reading I know now that I should of brushed the clonex gel on instead of just dipping stem into it. I am tempted take one and put it in a brown beer bottle of water and see what happens. Its all about learning for me. All help appreciated thanks
Best advice is don't touch the clones for 14 days. Then look at the medium for roots out of the bottom, not the stem. If there's no mold, and the cutting is still standing tall and looking good then leave it alone and trust the process.

When cloning with a dome and a high humidity environment I remove the dome for a lil bit a day (30minutes to an hour) after 10 days, it reduces the humidity and seems to increase rooting.

Aero/bubble cloners are usually a bit faster and you have the ability to check progress by just lifting the lid. They are great for people with no patience.

I've done the whole pull on the clone shit too, to me it always seemed like I was restarting the process when I put that clone back into the medium, like I'd have to wait 2 weeks from that day before I see roots, where as the clones I didn't fuck with would strike a couple days later.

If your clones aren't starting to fade at least a little bit there's 0 point checking for roots IME.
I have great luck taking clones and i keep it very simple. I don't use anything except I take the clones, trim down the fan leaves in half, slice the bottom of the stems at a 45 degree angle, dip stems in tap water, then place directly into potting soil in solo cups. I'll stick them under a basic 2' 20 watt shop light and keep moist at room temp. I'll make sure there are plenty of drainage holes in the bottom of the cups, you want the soil moist but not soaked. They will grow once you get the hang of it and experience, take notes of what you do so you can keep track of what seems to work and what doesnt.
Is 24 hours light the way also I have had them on constant
Clones will root in pretty much any lighting schedule we use for Cannabis. They'll root in 12/12, 18/6, 24/0 they all work. Just be mindful that a 12/12 rooted clone will flower if left that way. Indirect weak light and you're set.
Cheers guys i will figure it out one way. Thanks for reassurance that they not totally dead yet. Have no where other than conservatory to veg these anyway I'm basically just experimenting to learn while I can
I keep my clones, all seedlings actually, under T12 shop lights 24/7 until they are ready for outside.
Same.....I like how it's consistent. Clones like it too. Don't touch unless it's dead. I've had ones that I thought where dead and onto the compost pile they went........only to find them a week later rooting into the pile.
I've had better luck not spraying the plants..........someone told me "if your giving them the water that way they don't need to send out roots to find it" it's kind of like hardening them off for cold or light.....just with water.

I only spray when dry
Mine do seem dry out quickly. Maybe I have them too close to light. Also might raise the tray off heat mat more I have got it on 2 pencils atm.
I've had better luck not spraying the plants..........someone told me "if your giving them the water that way they don't need to send out roots to find it" it's kind of like hardening them off for cold or light.....just with water.


I spray the inside of the dome itself to increase rH, but avoid spraying the plant directly, and only do this until I'm able to confirm root growth, at which point dome is removed.

I also try not to water more than the very first time unless absolutely necessary.. Why would the plant produce and grow its root system, if it has water readily available?

You need to provide enough moisture for roots to form, and the plant to survive, but not so much that the roots are able to drink without spreading/searching for it. That's why the wet/dry cycle is so important for vigorous growth
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OK guys good news. 1 clone has gone very yellow but I just seen roots poking out the rooter. Do I need put in soil straight away or will it be OK a couple of days still