Are my girls dressing up for the big dance ?


My girls were cloned Feb 4, 2010 grown inside and have been outside since 4/5/10 , they were properly acclimated to light and weather to the best of my ability, the best I could do or read up on. The temperature has been 55/60 nights & 70/80 during the day. This group grown in pots (space & site limitations) looks now like they are starting to flower, and if so what should I do?
I placed another 3 plants in the ground no signs of flowering just growing like crazy.
I have read, and will reread articles about revegging plants. These are only 18 inches to 2 ft tall, what can I expect as far as total finished product, i.e. BUD.

TYPE: Ice Cream "Mostly Indica", cloned 2/5/10, again taken from 14 hrs light inside to outside @ 12/12 on April 4,2010 it is, 4,2010-04-28ica 60 / Sativa 40Indica 60 / Sativa 40dica 60 / Sativa 40
This is my first serious outdoor grow, and I can use your help.
Pictures attached



Well-Known Member
It is pretty tough to estimate tonnage based on the information available.

At this time of year, they won't finish flowering, but will return to veg in a week or two.

Many of my plants have been revegging for a couple of weeks.

I reveg my plants after a seed crop, each Spring.


Well-Known Member
they aren't starting to flower, your plants are just jumping into a strong vegetative pattern, that closely knit bundle of leaves you are seeing at the axil tip is just your plants trying to pound out leaves as fast as the conditions around it, (ie sun, water, oxegen, co2, nitrogen) will let it. those leaves will expand and the growth point will stay nice and fat till growth slows in august/september


Thanks for the replies, not only did you answer my question, but you also gave me direction to do more study and research into the anatomy of plants. I read up on the axil, terminal, axillary buds and other parts and the growth patterns, I now have a much better understanding.


I continue to read articles, and the post here and @ other forums, and rely on help and answers from all the great and knowledgeable folks here.

Once again I'm posting pictures of my girls, your comments and opinions are apreciated.
When I posted 4/28/10, I was told based on the info I sent and picture attached then "your plants are just jumping into a strong vegetative pattern" is this still the case?

New pictures included.....




Well-Known Member
Hey I need help I have plants about. A month old thing is he new set of leafs are dyeing and the 1 I got afe crispy what do I need?
There are better places on this site to post that.

Be sure to add a thorough description, and pictures.


That is more flowering than I would have expected.

They should revert to vegging very soon.

How many hours of direct sun are your girls getting?


Well-Known Member
they aren't starting to flower, your plants are just jumping into a strong vegetative pattern, that closely knit bundle of leaves you are seeing at the axil tip is just your plants trying to pound out leaves as fast as the conditions around it, (ie sun, water, oxegen, co2, nitrogen) will let it. those leaves will expand and the growth point will stay nice and fat till growth slows in august/september
Wrong Answer-
Those girls are flowering, no doubt about it. You put them out to early. I'm not sure where you are in this world, but here in Central California I put mine outside for good on May 1st. If you put them from a 24-0, or 18-6 indoor light schedule, then put them out side without adjusting the lights for a while (16-8, or 15-9), they will understand the shorter days and think it's fall and go straight into flowering.
The solution at this point is to do nothing. They will re-veg in a week or two after they understand the longer days (we're 5 weeks away from the longest day of the year). Feed them lots of nitrogen (don't go over board) and no Phosphorous at all for a while. This will help them kick back into vegging.
I bought 4 Mind Bender X Afghangooey's last year that were cloned in March, put outside (no room in the indoor grow area...the runts) in early April, went into full flowering mode. I got them on May 27th, 20"-24" fully stacked up with fat sticky buds. I put them into the ground on June 4th and re vegged them. Just did what i said above, and ended up harvesting in mid November. Over 6ft tall, and 3lbs of fat sticky buds from those 4 plants.
Check out my "incomplete" journal from last year so you can see for yourself.
Good Luck-


All opinions, ideas, and guestimates are welcome and appreciated. On my post of 4/28/10, I’m sure I didn’t supply enough information to get all the correct answers, thanks again to all who replied...

My general location is Southeastern USA. somewhere between SC and Northern FL. Near the Piedmont area?

I attempted to acclimate the plants to the outdoor light by turning light back while inside. Lights had been 20on / 4off until March 1 then I took them down at two week intervals 18/6 then 14/8 then 12/12 approx. in 6 weeks time.
Our last frost is usually around April 16, I pushed it a bit and put them out the second week of April and they have been outside since. 4 girls in pots and 3 in the ground, the strange thing is that only the 4 in pots are going into full bloom, the others appeared to start and then quit and are now growing like crazy.
OH SHIT….I just reread one of the replies, TMB said no Phosphorous!!!
%$#& ME . I have been using 15-30-15 on the girls, and it would be more concentrated in the potted plants, could this possibility be my problem?
I will have to read up more on this as well as how to reveg the plants, I have been living and learning close to 60 years now looking forward to the next 60.

Thanks Again


Well-Known Member
You mentioned your problem.

Reducing day length to 12/12 for five days will kick most plants into HARD flower.

They were destined to flower before they went outside.

Never go below 14 hours when acclimating indoor vegging plants to outdoors.

Without that bit of information, we had no way to say what might happen.

They will revert within a couple weeks.

Lately, due to my own experiences and those of many others, I'm suggesting indoor plants, destined to go outdoors be vegged at 14/10 for clones, and after one month of 18/6, plants started from seed be switched to 14/10, as well.

Most plants are sexually mature at six weeks from germination, or when they get their sixth leaf pair. Switching to 14/10 at four weeks should avoid flipping the "bud" switch, when moved outdoors.

BTW, yer just a pup. I turned 60 in January....LOL(Glad to see another old fart playing in the dirt!)


Well-Known Member
All opinions, ideas, and guestimates are welcome and appreciated. On my post of 4/28/10, I’m sure I didn’t supply enough information to get all the correct answers, thanks again to all who replied...

My general location is Southeastern USA. somewhere between SC and Northern FL. Near the Piedmont area?

I attempted to acclimate the plants to the outdoor light by turning light back while inside. Lights had been 20on / 4off until March 1 then I took them down at two week intervals 18/6 then 14/8 then 12/12 approx. in 6 weeks time.
Our last frost is usually around April 16, I pushed it a bit and put them out the second week of April and they have been outside since. 4 girls in pots and 3 in the ground, the strange thing is that only the 4 in pots are going into full bloom, the others appeared to start and then quit and are now growing like crazy.
OH SHIT….I just reread one of the replies, TMB said no Phosphorous!!!
%$#& ME . I have been using 15-30-15 on the girls, and it would be more concentrated in the potted plants, could this possibility be my problem?
I will have to read up more on this as well as how to reveg the plants, I have been living and learning close to 60 years now looking forward to the next 60.

Thanks Again
Your going to be O.K., they will re-veg, the only thing your going to lose is a bit of size. And yes, change your nutes, you need to feed them that blend of 15-30-15 in August and September when blooming/flowering. You need to be feeding your plants something like 20-5-10, or close to that ratio during the vegetation stage of a plants life (now until mid August). Like Veggiegardener said (smart dude, I've read many of his posts and journal) your biggest mistake was the 12/12 schedule before they went outside. I veg my girls inside under 18-6 schedule, then the 3rd week of March I cut back on the lights 30 minutes each week for 6 weeks before they go outside. So when they go outside on May 1st they are on a 15/9 hour schedule. On that date the sun is up for 13 hours and 45 minutes where I live, and the dawn/dusk hours of light need to be considered. So my girls never experience even a bump in their transition. During this 6 week period I take them outside to harden them off to the sun on nice days.
It's very early in the season, you will have a nice harvest come October, just be patient.
If you have any other questions, get in touch with me, I'm glad to help.
I'm not as long in the tooth as you two, but longer then most here, 47 years here and I luv play'n in the dirt!