Are my plant too tall?


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Get those lights closer they can touch the tops of the plants with no issue which will stop the stretching. Like said stop misting.Those peat pots will be trouble from day one as the roots woll grow into it and then you have to basically plant it restricting the root ball which will slow growth. The nutes you talk about are good for house plants and not ganja.You spent the money on good seed so why not a few bucks on pots and soil??Small fan blowing on them real light will strengthen the stalks also
i have lowered the lights and also put another set of light in the room. and as far as those pots go i already put them in larger pots a few days ago, they were just to start the seeds in. plus i have had fan going from day one even though it didn't show up in the pics. those nutes i got came highly recomened from some growers online, which is why i got them, what would you recommend?? plus you guys were right more lights moved closer stoped the stretching a few days ago, i'll get more pics for ya later
hey guys when i got up this morning one of my plants looked droopy.... all i did was put another 48" t12 40 wtt balast and water like normal in the morning.... any ideas??? oh i also left a window in the bedroom cracked last night by mistake but it didn't get too cold and the temp in the closet stayed bout the same, 78-80. and when i say cracked i mean quarter inch tops.... thanks for the help!!



Well-Known Member
Droopy? look fine to me. Plus they are still small. Kinda tough to tell whats going on. Seedling seem to change quickly. Forget about them and let 'em grow.


Well-Known Member
Too much water, or too little will make them droopy. You did mention, the morning ritual of checking and watering. Watering everyday? Thats usually a no-o. But them little containers seem to dry up faster. I'm currently on a daily watering and the plant looks good, responding well. (though just finishing up a new control system for the automation of it. Touchscreen and all. Yes, I'm a bit-head geek)

My overall rule: (with a HUGE grain of salt)

make a change.
Got better? right thing, right way. Got worse? right thing (probably) wrong way.

no diff? wrong thing.
no not every day i learned my lesson on that one, every other day. but i may have been a little generous this time they are still a littl wet looking but not much more than any other. i won't water again till the dirt dries out some anyway.


Well-Known Member
Hey bro, got an easy solution without any bull...bury the stem up almost to the first set of leaves.....that part of the stem will take root, and the plant will be stronger. So find another pot those jiffy pots are hard to get watering right, drying out and such...get a bit smaller pot for each and bury it like i said...check out my journal...or better yet here is a new pic just for you of my babies....after 10 days...


dude that's awesome those little gals look great!! i already moved them into a bit bigger pots and burried them up that high..... is it bad to heve em in bigger pots while there small???


Well-Known Member
You really need to get a moisture meter for your plants. After you get a couple grows in under your belt you will be able to tell when they need watering. I have mine in those plastic coffee cans and that is all the bigger i use. I used them on the last grow and i will be using them from now on. Over watering is the number one cause of new growers having problems. If you check the soil and it is borderline wet and dry. Leave them until the next day and then water them. The bottom soil is probaly still moist so you are not letting them dry out enough and then they are sufficating because they are not getting any oxygen. I hope that helps out alittle.
trust me bro i ain't turning away any advise cause with my dumb ass it all helps. i got some moisture meters and finally a humidity tester.. it says 34% a bit low or ok??? not too sure, i also bought a third lighting hood and got three plants per 80 watt lamp. also got em off the ground finnaly they were on the floor cramed into my closet and i felt like bad for em cause my dumb ass had way too many in a tiny closet. but i bought a shelf and cut it up with each level having a hood and three plants.... had to move three to my budding room but i don't heve anything to bud yet so its good till i can clone and get rid of the males, plus i'm only over my closets limit by one plant. just poor planing one damn thing i've learned is i was way too exited and should have waited bout a week for some other shit but it's all gravy now.... haha thanks again for saving my plants guys!!!!
yeah but i got one more for ya! i got cool daylights and cool whites... both i read are good for vegging but is it better to mix em or just use one or the other, and which one?? i ask cause the daylights are much brigter and for some reason i naturally want to think this is better just cause it's shinier but i may be fried in the head.......


Active Member
I'd use all the lights I can get my hands on. And it's best to have more of the 6500k light spectrum lights. I don't know if that's "cool white" or "cool daylight" or what, though.


Well-Known Member
go to home depot and get the Nvision blue box its the daylight bulb, also the red nvision box is bright white which is good too, the green nvision is soft white for flowering, also when using these bulbs look on the box for the lumens and get the highest you can i believe theyre like 8 bucks a peice and you can get the y connectors get the lumens high and your set i believe its 2k lumens per plant or something


Well-Known Member
another thing to try is put a fan in there and turn it on low so the stem will strengthen and they wont lean as much.
i read somewhere that jiffy cubes arnt that good for plants, next time try rockwool cubes