Are my plants doing good?


Well-Known Member
lol dankster.........3 weeks veg and its that big??? r u using nut wise?.....that's one big plant off 3 weeks veg lol


Well-Known Member
Honestly, imo outta the many years of growing, I have used mostly the 3.5 gln containers, and once harvest time comes around and I yank them up, the roots don't even reach the bottoms of those containers.. so the 3.5 gln is plenty room for the roots. I only go to bigger containers if I have "trees".. ;) such as my Purple Pineberry that's over 4ft tall.. and one of my Hubba Bubba Bombs that got to almost 7 ft tall.. I put those into 5 gln, never had any issues b4.. ;)

Nice colas! why do you have such a little pot?

should i top mine now as thery are on the picture, you can see i have supercropped the one in top left


Well-Known Member
lol dankster.........3 weeks veg and its that big??? r u using nut wise?.....that's one big plant off 3 weeks veg lol

Yup 3 weeks veg, then switched to flower.. ;) check the grow thread out bro if you get time. I have many other strains going, and as a matter of fact, just added 4 more strains to all that I have going now.. ;)
I feed all my girls General Hydroponics (Flora Series) lineup.. with the Superthrive & rapid start during the veg cycles..


Honestly, imo outta the many years of growing, I have used mostly the 3.5 gln containers, and once harvest time comes around and I yank them up, the roots don't even reach the bottoms of those containers.. so the 3.5 gln is plenty room for the roots. I only go to bigger containers if I have "trees".. ;) such as my Purple Pineberry that's over 4ft tall.. and one of my Hubba Bubba Bombs that got to almost 7 ft tall.. I put those into 5 gln, never had any issues b4.. ;)


3.5 gallon that is 13.24 litter.
it just looked small in your picture, im only using 11 litter pots for my entire grow



  • Hello i bought this ec meter
    and i dont know how to read the ec, because it is in 0-9999 µS Measurement Range
    and yes i have tryed google and i just cant find it
    because all of them is ppm and other measurements

    Hope you guys can help me convert it thanks in advance :)



Hello dudes, my plants are getting bigger now, should i top the tops?
because i allerade topped and now there are 2 that can get topped


Well-Known Member
You are going to have a monster of a bush on your hands now :) Mine looked scrawny in comparison (LST only, no topping this time) and I ran into problems with space in my 2x2 grow box and a single plant. I cannot even pull it out now so I will not get to see the entire plant until harvest next week./

Looks great, I will be following.


Hbbum, yes but the max height of my plants is 50 cm so only bushy not tall i hope :)

Good luck with your grow mate :)


Well-Known Member
I only used for part of the veg, I don't think I would recommend putting money into LED to be honest, they run and look cool, but the performance is not great. I ended up switching to MH to finnish off veg