are my plants dying?


Active Member
Just put some soil on top of them. Bury the stems some and you will be fine. I suggest reading some of the info for new growers in the forums.I don't know about transplanting them now I wouldn't do it
especally not into huge pots. Light is the key if your keeping them in windows I would suggest getting a couple cfl's and put them as close to the plants as possable without burning them.
I hope u r not taking growing advise from this person cos thats just WRONG information , rule of thumb is below 10C if outside they will start to go into shock (like humans get cold and shake), but can recover during the day , the colder it is the longer it will take to grow . and the less THC yield u will get , Gosh why do people talk about stuff they have no understanding on .
no i was not gonna i just finished putting some more soil on them like dice clay told me, it still sticks out a little bit but i dont think that wil be a problem
when do you recommend to transplant the plants?
a friend of mine has 4 big pots for me but they are realy big about the size of a bucket should i transplant them into those?

Dice Clay

Active Member
When the plant is around 18-22 cm tall, and the fan leaves grow past the diameter of the pot you need to transplant. Growth will slow and you will now when your lady needs a new home... dont rush it.. letting the roots establish themselves is a very important thing. Just do not over water... no nutrients for a little bit, and keep it close to a light source and you will do just fine!


You can always stake them out with a popsickle stick and a cable tie :) That will help them grow straight and correct until they thicken up. Looks to me like theyre stretching for light. Put them under a few cool CFLs and let them hang out for a month.
When the plant is around 18-22 cm tall, and the fan leaves grow past the diameter of the pot you need to transplant. Growth will slow and you will now when your lady needs a new home... dont rush it.. letting the roots establish themselves is a very important thing. Just do not over water... no nutrients for a little bit, and keep it close to a light source and you will do just fine!
okay,is it okay if i move them alot because i move them everyday from 1 window to another cause the sun is on the other side of the house
and is it okay if i leave them outside at night?

here they are :D


Active Member
wow that is such an improvement. listen to roll it up, screw what "someone" is telling you. these are people who understand and respect the technique of growing quality marijuana.

they are giving you EXACT numbers, how can you argue with that. i would say - next time you have a slight issue, dont panic - snap a picture and bring it right here imho. its like talking to a doctor
wow that is such an improvement. listen to roll it up, screw what "someone" is telling you. these are people who understand and respect the technique of growing quality marijuana.

they are giving you EXACT numbers, how can you argue with that. i would say - next time you have a slight issue, dont panic - snap a picture and bring it right here imho. its like talking to a doctor
you're absolutely right
and people where i live are not that bright either :P

Dice Clay

Active Member
thats realy great to hear :D
ill just put them inside cause its under 10°c tonight

thanks alot for the help dice
Not a problem! I remember what it was like to start out, and we are all in this thing together! Any questions at any time and you can message me.

Happy growing ;)