Are my plants flowering too early?


I got my clones about 4 weeks ago and I think they're starting to flower... Are these pre-flowers? should i get them under 24 hours of light? how do i get them back into veg. state? they're outdoors, they're 15-18" tall and i use super soil with miracle gro pellets.



what are photo period plants? and i was hoping to get to to about 4 ft before flowering... would it be too late to get clones off of them too?

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
When you grow outside. they Season tells the plant when to flower. Just go with it. Your plant will double or triple in size when it starts to flower. So if they are 18 inches tall you can expect them to reach 36 inches to 54 inches.

I hate all miracle grow products, but those plants look pretty healthy. I would not change a thing. Well you might want to switch to some flowering nutrients. Just watch them.

When they talk of photo periods, I think of it as the seasons. In the middle of summer you will get about 18 hours of sun light, and during the fall you will start getting only 12 hours of sun light. This tells your plant it is time to flower.

Just let them flower like they are, you are doing great.


This is my first grow haha :D thanks alot, the past 2 nights I been putting a couple of CFL on them cause I wanted them to veg some more but ill just flower them. Is it alright to take clones of them though or is it too late?

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
It is fine to take clones at this point. Keep them warm and give them a light source that is not right on them.

I once took a bud that broke off my plant and cloned it. Funniest looking plant ever. For the first 2-3 weeks it popped out single leafs that looked like Spinache. Then it started growing like a normal plant, but at the base of it was this 2-3 gram bud.

I would not change a thing on that plant. You are doing great for your first try. But stop giveing it CFL lighting at night. And try and make sure it is not getting light at night from inside your house or a deck light or what ever. Try and make it as dark as possible during night time.


Well-Known Member
A photo period plant is a plant that reacts to the periods of light and dark as apposed to auto flower plants which are not reliant on the light schedule or "photo period" to flower. If you are outdoors those photo period plants are going to flower and you're swimming upstream to reverse it by throwing it back into veg. Just go with it


Active Member
I never trim or cut flowering plants as you can turn them into hermies(both sexes) If you want a costant supply then you should keep a plant indoors to clone.just keep it in a constant veg state and trim clones off her year round :) you can keep her real small by trimming mother looks like a banzai tree lol


Well-Known Member
i agree with everyone else...plants look great...i have a perpetual 23-24 plant grow, SOG and my plants average 18" when they are done...i also average about 3/4 to an oz. off each under 400w hps, and 125w full spec actual cfl side lighting.


I never trim or cut flowering plants as you can turn them into hermies(both sexes) If you want a costant supply then you should keep a plant indoors to clone.just keep it in a constant veg state and trim clones off her year round :) you can keep her real small by trimming mother looks like a banzai tree lol
So i should try to take a clone of them now? i have smaller plants that aren't flowering also would it better to just take clones off of them only?


Well-Known Member
dont do 24/0 light. you should stop 24 hour constant light when plants are under a week old and switch to 18/6. but no. DONT put them into veg when there trying to flower just let them grow as they are there fine