are my plants good for 6 weeks


my plant are 6 weeks old. i have them flowering right now they are 4 days into flowering and no sign of sex. is that bad.IMG00009-20120529-0527.jpgIMG00010-20120529-0527.jpgIMG00011-20120529-0527.jpgIMG00012-20120529-0527.jpgIMG00013-20120529-0527.jpg
and one leaf has yellow lines in it is that nute burn. this plant had nute problems but fixed it now one leaf has the yellow burns.


Well-Known Member
It looks fine for 6 weeks, very healthy. 4 days isn't usually enough to show flower. It may take as long as 2 weeks. You must learn patience grasshopper.
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they still have nute issues. the dark, clawed leaves is a sign of too much N.
thanks man i was woundering that to. but could nor find an answer anywhere. should feed every other watering. im useing mircle grow liqiud plant food. it says to add 20 drops to 1 qt water every feed. i only add ten but have cut back to 5 do to the nute burn. should i stay at 5 every other wartering or what would you recomend.


Well-Known Member
they want to sell a lot of fertilizer. they are evil. down with super-phosphates. og uber alles!
(i'm organic)


Well-Known Member
i think he has too much n. cut it out. they need way less than u think. and if u get the claw in flower you'll be sorry.idk what kind of soil u r using but my guess is it has enuf n to last the whole or most of ur grow. :) you'll be aight. tell me about ur mix.


Well-Known Member
agreed with all the above. be patient for sings of sex. and work on the n as to much n can delay flowering. but can help with the strech so its a fine balance you need. work on reducing the n over the stretch period. also i can see that a you're top nodes are showing sings and turning into you're main top terminal bud site/cola/
as well a as sings of the claw youre leafs have shark teeth. commom sign of over fert. might be from the n. what nutes/mix using


agreed with all the above. be patient for sings of sex. and work on the n as to much n can delay flowering. but can help with the strech so its a fine balance you need. work on reducing the n over the stretch period. also i can see that a you're top nodes are showing sings and turning into you're main top terminal bud site/cola/
as well a as sings of the claw youre leafs have shark teeth. commom sign of over fert. might be from the n. what nutes/mix using
imirical grow potting soil i no it has alot in it already but heard that you should starts to feed 2 weeks or so.


Well-Known Member
MG has a product that has TIME RELEASE FERTILIZER in it. if your's has that then don't feed at all. i've heard more horror stories about Time Release Nutes. If your MG is just Peat, perlite and some organic manure for N then need to start feeding but only lightly. the rule of thumb is: half the rate posted on the box for indoor plants. full rate when using on outdoor plants. full rate outdoors is usually 1tsp/gal. but you're using even less, right? ok so look at the bag if you still have it and look on the front and back of the bag. somewhere you'll see if it has time release or not. man your plants look pretty darn good. the new growth looks nice. i can't see the flaws you see, but overall i'm not even a little worried. i think you'll be ok. oh...did you put some lime in the mix? no? then sprinkle a quarter teaspoon on top and scratch it in lightly. water normally. the lime addition covers Mg also so you won't have to add that either.