are my plants growing slowly?


I am a week in and I have three growing. The tallest one is two inches all have one set of leaves. The tallest and second tallest have a new set starting to poke out. Can anyone tell me if they are not growing properly because everywhere I look other persons plants look more developed. I am new and I am just wondering if this is average or normal for some strains?


Active Member
Pics?? If your only a week in it's a little early to start worrying IMO... The seed has everything it needs to survive for the first couple weeks. Don't over water and unless the seed is unhealthy you'll be fine..


Well-Known Member
It sounds fine..they take off once they have conditions to develope root structure.


I wish I could take a pic but I'm not using a computer to post my thread. They look green, no brown, they look fine. But like I said I'm starting to compare. I appreciate your replies. When I have an opportunity I'm going to upload so you guys can see. Also, I know this is a stupid question but let's say conditions for a mother plant are average conditions, anotherwards, the lighting isn't phenominal. And when I clone the plant and put the clone in better lighting, will the clone grow better or will the conditions the mother is in reflect the outcome of the clone despite different lighting conditions. I'm in florida and have them on my porch. There is some shade but its pretty bright despite our recent and current storms. Thank you all very much for your time.


Active Member
what size container do you have them in? typically the sprouts do seem to stall out, but are really just growing massive roots. If you have a large container, they will probably spend more time doing this.


Well-Known Member
I wish I could take a pic but I'm not using a computer to post my thread. They look green, no brown, they look fine. But like I said I'm starting to compare. I appreciate your replies. When I have an opportunity I'm going to upload so you guys can see. Also, I know this is a stupid question but let's say conditions for a mother plant are average conditions, anotherwards, the lighting isn't phenominal. And when I clone the plant and put the clone in better lighting, will the clone grow better or will the conditions the mother is in reflect the outcome of the clone despite different lighting conditions. I'm in florida and have them on my porch. There is some shade but its pretty bright despite our recent and current storms. Thank you all very much for your time.
The only stupid question is the question that goes un-asked (assuming you are asking to learn, not just to type)
IMO, wouldn't you think of clones like children? I may be wrong, but that's what I think.
If you have bad teeth due to poor brushing and no calcium growing up, has no bearing on your children having bad teeth. (it's not in the genes)


Today the next set of leaves have come out more. I don't think I did the best job in choosing the soil. I can't even remember what brand but its organic.


Well-Known Member
Just be patient, I know it's hard :)
My first grow I'm doing now, started all wrong because I didn't know what I was doing, but grew slow, then shot up, then slowed again, and so on, for 4 months now, and at different times due to two different strains.