Are my plants ready to harvest?


Well-Known Member
hey guys i was wondering when will my plants be ready for harvestt?


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The one on top is auto purple, the one down is auto cream caramel! Plz reply


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thats gonna b like 3 grams at most id use this as a learning grow cause i doubt it will b good smoke
my first grow sucked too
Get yourself a good jewelers loupe so you can look at the trichomes. Your pistils aren't even red yet so you got a ways to go. Maybe a couple weeks, maybe more. Without a look at the trichomes you have to judge by the pistils and I won't even think of harvesting until about 2/3 of the pistils have turned red or brown (color varies sometimes) which is when the pistils shrivel up after they have given up on getting pollinated. An auto will keep filling out in the flowering stage and actually get bigger. You'll get more than 3 grams if you wait it out but I'b be giving that 1st one some nutes. I like bonemeal worked into the top 1/2 inch of soil during flowering it always works well for me. Just a teaspoon or so will do spread around the base toward the edge of the pot, then water. Be careful you don't go down more than an 1/2 inch or you'll damage the roots and use a teaspoon to work it in. Id also give her some nitrogen, maybe a pinch of bloodmeal ( I like the natural nutes that have been around forever), she looks a little nitrogen deprived and she's too soon to change into her harvest colors in my opinion. Some of these younger guys can give you nute advice for an easier to use flowering nute other than what I suggest..
When almost all those white pistils recede in to their Calyxes, they will be ready. Like numerous others said, u have at lest 3 more weeks. But u will be a lot better off and happy with your end product if u can be a little more patient.