Are my plants ready?


Active Member
The big one is going well. The smaller ones were shocked during the summer, and don't have many leaves but they are looking good so far.

I'm thinking a couple more weeks, though for fun I plucked one and have it drying. Sticks to my fingers, yum!

I am not clueless, but this is my first grow. I have more textual knowledge than experience at this point.

Advice, anyone?




Active Member
doesn't look done to me. What color are your trich's? how long have you been flowering? still looks like you have alot of white hair which is an idication of it still flowering. hope this helps


Active Member
honestly I haven't been tracking them closely.. they are way out in the backyard and just growing freely and organically. They have been flowering for most of if not all of August, as much as I can recall. The trichs are white/clear as far as I can tell, and the sativa has lots of red hairs, while the indicas are still mostly white.


Active Member
and unfortunately I am having to move soon due to foreclosure, so they better be done by then!>_<


Active Member
and unfortunately I am having to move soon due to foreclosure, so they better be done by then!>_<
They don't look ready to me ..... Outdoors .. ? ... depending on your latitude october .. maybe even November might bee best ........... check for amber in the trich's .................
seems a little odd that the sativa's are first to finish ... but they may be more susceptible to shortening days all same soil conditions ... ? water ? shade ?/ anyway ... if you GOTTA take em .. I'd say .... wait as long as you can ..... looks like some yum yum bud !


i would let those go has long has the weather permits them to


Active Member
yea I don't think they're ready either. I'm in SE Massachusetts, so the 12/12 just kicked in recently. Same soil conditions, full sun throughout the day, I seriously just planted some seeds out of what I'd been smoking to see what happened, and this is what I got. I used to water then when we had heat streaks but they take care of themselves for the past few weeks. The soil is just some odl garden soil, but I believe unfertilized. I could prod them I guess, but I suspect I have some Halloween bud on my hands, if not Thanksgiving. mm dessert! :D


Active Member
I thought indoors would be a lilttle easier since you can control the enviroment a little more.....Guess i will find out since im doing an indoor grow for winter.


New Member
It's as easy as you make it. Out doors is normally concidered easier though... it's technically where the plants MEANT to be aint it...


Active Member
just wait i have wasted a few plants by cutting too soon. you will know when they are done by the look.(looks alot more like "pot")