Are my seedlings healthy? Help ):

They're about 4 days old. The second one's stem is extremely weak, so I added more soil on top to give it more support.. The last one is like over a week old and it looks like one of the leaves is dead or dying. I am debating whether or not to just get rid of it.. it grows really slow, but it is still growing. One of the round leaves on it is about to fall off, idk if thats good or bad. I have a gentle fan blowing on them. For light, they get a mixture of the sun and 2 cfls. The first plant has the strongest stem. advice? :leaf:



technical dan

Active Member
Putting more soil in around them will help you can bury them just about up to the cotyledons (lowest round leaves) and the buried stem will turn to root tissue and you will have a more compact/less stretchy plant. The plant is stretching because it is trying to reach the light, which means there should be more light and closer to the plant. A stretchy plant will use a lot of its energy in growing stems rather than flowers and you'll end up with fluffy bud.

Thats normal the little round leaves cotyledons are there to provide food for the seed and seedling now its using that up and is getting ready to make its own food with its leaves. The seedlings go pretty slow until they are 3 weeks old.

Put your cfls extremely close to the plant. Usually you want them to be an inch a way. If you can you should position the bulbs to that the longer part is over the plant rather then the end. note this only works if there is no cover/ shade over your bulb it wont help if youre using a lamp or something as a socket that has a shade around the bulb.

How many actual watts is each cfl? What kind of soil/ mix are you using? Do you have any nutes you plan on using? (still to early let the plant get 3 weeks old). What is your light cycle?
Also you should check out the cfl guide in the cfl sub-forum in the indoor section. Best of luck. :-P


Well-Known Member
They look good M8.

Just be patient and watch them grow, it amazes me that they grow so fast.

Peace and Great Grows

thanks for the advice. i just moved some of the soil on the weak stemmed plant, because it seemed unusually weak and a portion of the stem is EXTREMELY thin and kind of curled. will it survive? i carefully propped it up with some sticks from the soil, put the light close and took the fan away from this one.. IMG_20121202_115055.jpgIMG_20121202_115155.jpgIMG_20121202_115202.jpg


Well-Known Member
The soil you are using may i ask what it is? I can see many wood chippings, wood is highly acidic and will raise the ph of your medium which is not good.


Looks like it stretched from the light being too far. Also be careful putting a fresh seedling in full sun. You will shock it and that will definitely not help your struggle.