Well-Known Member
No surprise it was raided, because the allegations are true, add Racketeering Influenced Corrupt Organization, and you have a perfect description of that group.
If you check the facts, it's not so much ACORN that's the prob, it's the people they're hiring putting fake names on lists because they get paid to put names on lists. But nobody seriously expects Ringo Starr or Darth Vader to show up, provide ID, and vote. In other words, it's fraud all right, but not really VOTER fraud. It's the street name-gatherers defrauding ACORN.
But even if you assume every Darth Vader on the list really was a nefarious vote stealer, had a perfect ID, and nobody questioned any of the names...even so, ACORN's *valid* votes, as a percentage, are waaaaaaay above 95%. If they were in school, they wouldn't get an A+, but they'd definitely get a solid A.
Of much larger concern are the tens of thousands of people being dumped off voter registration lists illegally. A pile of Darth Vaders isn't going to affect a thing, but tens of thousands of people being disenfranchised...that might.
It's the fucking machines we have to worry about. They can flip the whole electorate with the push of a button. Paper trails are a fucking absolute necessityPerhaps they'll take care not to allow a fraud committing entity to register them next time then.
Besides, you also neglected to mention the fact that ACORN, is also registering, dead people, people from out of state, celebrities from out of state, and other people who would not be able to vote, and have been caught doing this in more than one state.
In one area it might be a lack of over sight, when it happens through out their area of operations, it goes beyond lack of over sight to a seriously flawed organization that should have its registration revoked.
It's the fucking machines we have to worry about. They can flip the whole electorate with the push of a button. Paper trails are a fucking absolute necessity
You would have a point, if this wasn't a free web site.
............and I don't see elite next to your name.
mooching off of something that is free? I was wrong, that other guy isn't the village idiot, you are.
What's your story going to be when Obama takes the election Med?It's the fucking machines we have to worry about. They can flip the whole electorate with the push of a button. Paper trails are a fucking absolute necessity
RIU isn't free. It costs money to host the content, and manage it. A few very generous people have committed to donating funds to the cause, and you have the nerve to call them idiots.
You(you also) don't pay for the space you use here, you(you also) don't pay for the bandwidth. You should have a little bit more class than to call such generous people idiots. No, I don't have an elite badge by my name- I'm also not the one calling them idiots, but I am showing them gratitude for the generous donations they make.(how the fuck is that?)
Sorry to pour alcohol all over your wounds but these "idiots" help make this site exist, and everyone should know, and respect that- so what have you contributed that's so special that makes you think you have any position to judge the elite members kiss-ass by their generous donations?
i donate to a site that has helped me a lot...
i've made a couple grand becuase of this site...
a few small donations to help RIU run smoothly is nothing to me...
... you are still an idiot though... you do a good job of showing yourself to be racist without coming out and saying it...
you seem fairly unintelligent with you're logic (or i guess it would be lack there of) so i'm sure you'll never change your viewpoint... and probably come back with another lame put down towards me (another "i'm not stupid, YOUR stupid"??? -good one btw)... so, goodbye, you're on ignore now
Actually Med, I have three good Black friends, but if you count their social circle, in which I have "rubbed elbows," I guess you could say that I have about fifty Black "friends."
And you?
You know, one of the biggest mistakes you "progressives" make, is to believe that "group-think" exists.
How would your black friends feel about you calling Obama a "Ni...." as you so eloquently typed it on another thread?![]()
Remember that white truck driver that made the mistake of being caught in traffic when the LA riots started? I remember seeing him sitting in his truck minding his own business. I remember seeing a group of black men drag him out of his truck and beat the shit out of him. I recall them beating that guy in the head with a fire extinguisher. They kicked that poor guys ass all over the street for being white. That's what he did, he was white and in the wrong place at the wrong time.
The racism door swings both ways here.
I predict riots, but I don't think they are going to have as much to do with the election as they will have to do with people just being sick and tired of being screwed no matter which way they turn. I think everyone needs to stock up on torches and pitchforks. Don't want to be caught unprepared.
...........the super elite poster started by calling me an idiot.
How dare I return the name calling to an elite, huh?
You are much closer to a drama queen and a total kiss ass then an idiot.
How about you STFU intill your an elite member yourself.
I don't even see where you get off say anything.
Plain and simple fact, if Obama loses and it "looks dirty" it is a reenactment of George Bush winning, nothing more. How about that majority out there that voted this criminal into office a second time after his administration diverted commercial jets into our own buildings, to build a nationwide hatred of "terrorists" just to engage in a war generating profits for his own advantage. Wait... you good ol' boys don't even believe that, it's terrorist propaganda right?
Oh lord, who can imagine someone would call you an idiot? Look at your post. It's the definition veiled racism.
STFU until I get myself an elite membership? I don't need a special membership to stand up for people who are right. Kiss ass? Try apathetic... You're no pioneer bud, just another snake hiding his colors from a society that has grown tired of blatantly racist bullshit, no matter how you craft your sentences to avoid being called out.
Where do I get off saying anything? How about this fact: My step father, and his brothers and sisters are what you are calling a minority. They are harder working, more largely contributing members of society than the clowns that wear white masks to meetings where you drink beer and burn crosses. Nothing has pained me greater in life than watching brilliant people struggle to succeed because they weren't in the right tax bracket.
These "minorities" are the ones that have to work extra hard to get noticed, they do the jobs that your family considers mundane, or below them, they spent lifetimes enduring abuse from the majority to earn a ridiculous rank in society where people assume that they are nothing more than thuggish criminals who will riot at any given opportunity.
Do you even realize that the LA Riots were not just minorities? Did you know that minorities were getting hurt in the riots too? Did you know that minority owned businesses were burned to the ground? Like you said, there are assholes in every race, and you're proof. Poverty is the only reason for the looting during the riots... so if you're saying that you would loot too, then you are part of the minority, or just another part of the greedy majority.
Plain and simple fact, if Obama loses and it "looks dirty" it is a reenactment of George Bush winning, nothing more. How about that majority out there that voted this criminal into office a second time after his administration diverted commercial jets into our own buildings, to build a nationwide hatred of "terrorists" just to engage in a war generating profits for his own advantage. Wait... you good ol' boys don't even believe that, it's terrorist propaganda right?
The only way this country is going to improve is if the "minorities" get a chance to improve it. Why? Because the majority of the country has no fucking clue how easy they have it, and at what expense such a simple life has come at. The majority of this country doesn't deal with the things that the minority does. The majority of this country thinks that there will be some sort of civil disobedience if Obama goes down and things look shady.
Don't worry, Obama isn't going to take away your right to be racist any more than McCain will. Without some standard of ignorance in this country, it becomes difficult to identify those who are an intelligent, and those who truly are not.
It doesn't matter if you're white, black, asian, hispanic, indian, woman, man, child, adult, or count dracula... We all have the same hopes and dreams for our family, some just don't have to work as hard to get it.
So you go on with your ignorant theories on how minorities will outbreak in civil disobedience, looting stores, throwing bricks, etc. Time will only tell, and if I turn out to be wrong... then my faith in all of mankind, and it's logic will be gone.
Thank God, Thank God almighty, McCain is slain. We all know that the whole Machine-gate is owned by republicans, from the owners of the companies to the technicians that work on them. Does anyone really think they would rig the machines in favor of the democrats? Just the fact the machines can be hacked should give the electorate pause, no matter who can flip the vote. Can you say "Banana Republic"?What's your story going to be when Obama takes the election Med?
Oh lord, who can imagine someone would call you an idiot? Look at your post. It's the definition veiled racism.
STFU until I get myself an elite membership? I don't need a special membership to stand up for people who are right. Kiss ass? Try apathetic... You're no pioneer bud, just another snake hiding his colors from a society that has grown tired of blatantly racist bullshit, no matter how you craft your sentences to avoid being called out.
Where do I get off saying anything? How about this fact: My step father, and his brothers and sisters are what you are calling a minority. They are harder working, more largely contributing members of society than the clowns that wear white masks to meetings where you drink beer and burn crosses. Nothing has pained me greater in life than watching brilliant people struggle to succeed because they weren't in the right tax bracket.
These "minorities" are the ones that have to work extra hard to get noticed, they do the jobs that your family considers mundane, or below them, they spent lifetimes enduring abuse from the majority to earn a ridiculous rank in society where people assume that they are nothing more than thuggish criminals who will riot at any given opportunity.
Do you even realize that the LA Riots were not just minorities? Did you know that minorities were getting hurt in the riots too? Did you know that minority owned businesses were burned to the ground? Like you said, there are assholes in every race, and you're proof. Poverty is the only reason for the looting during the riots... so if you're saying that you would loot too, then you are part of the minority, or just another part of the greedy majority.
Plain and simple fact, if Obama loses and it "looks dirty" it is a reenactment of George Bush winning, nothing more. How about that majority out there that voted this criminal into office a second time after his administration diverted commercial jets into our own buildings, to build a nationwide hatred of "terrorists" just to engage in a war generating profits for his own advantage. Wait... you good ol' boys don't even believe that, it's terrorist propaganda right?
The only way this country is going to improve is if the "minorities" get a chance to improve it. Why? Because the majority of the country has no fucking clue how easy they have it, and at what expense such a simple life has come at. The majority of this country doesn't deal with the things that the minority does. The majority of this country thinks that there will be some sort of civil disobedience if Obama goes down and things look shady.
Don't worry, Obama isn't going to take away your right to be racist any more than McCain will. Without some standard of ignorance in this country, it becomes difficult to identify those who are an intelligent, and those who truly are not.
It doesn't matter if you're white, black, asian, hispanic, indian, woman, man, child, adult, or count dracula... We all have the same hopes and dreams for our family, some just don't have to work as hard to get it.
So you go on with your ignorant theories on how minorities will outbreak in civil disobedience, looting stores, throwing bricks, etc. Time will only tell, and if I turn out to be wrong... then my faith in all of mankind, and it's logic will be gone.
How would your black friends feel about you calling Obama a "Ni...." as you so eloquently typed it on another thread?
wow, what a wall of text.
Oh, your mom is fuckin/suckin a minorityThats just wonderful
What made you think that the other poster needed your help if the first place? Did you jump into a phone booth and change into your superman jump suit after you herd the cries for help?...
Link shows 1710 hits for blacks attack white
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
Watch a few of the links and you will see the reality for what it is.
no crafting needed, friend. No wall of text needed, no lies and no bullshit.
It's an ugly world we live in, no matter just how blind you claim to be.
I believe we are different,from hair to our actions.Not sure where hate comes into play, if at all.
In your thinking I have every right to be 'apathetic' to the white man
as you have the right to defend against that thinking.