Are roots strong enough?


Well-Known Member
I planted my plants in the ground yester day and dug a fair size hole. The hole isn't big enough for the roots to grow fully in the hole i dug. I poured osme soil into the hole but the dirt in the holes beyond the soil is really hard. When the plant grows bigger will the roots get strong enough to grow thru this dirt?


Active Member
I always dig my holes the depth of a five gallon bucket. Plenty of room. Gotta be careful though when planting in such dense soil. even though you dig a big hole and fill it with the best dirt. When you water it. it will turn to a small pond. Make sure its drying out good between waterings


Well-Known Member
its probably about a foot deep maybe a bit more. I would have dug them bigger but the shovel i bought yesterday was a piece of shit and it kept on bending so i did the best i could with what i had cause i didn't want to haul my bag back home all full of water and soil. It was fuckin heavy. Lucky for me the shovel broke off on the last hole.
