Are SE setups dying out?


Well-Known Member
What’s going on guys, just made a move to the west coast recently and looking to get setup again. Trying to find ballasts and lights etc and the few things I have come across are ballasts prices at more than a gavita. I have always wanted to run a DE before but never had the height to allow for the generated heat. Will most likely have to be in a tent and just trying to wrap my head around this.

Anyone have experience running a DE in a 5x5?


Damn, brother Evil-Mobo is back on the scene. Watch out folks, mobo cutting loose in a legal state!

@Renfro @a mongo frog any thoughts or suggestions on the idea of trying to use a DE in a 5x5 tent? Is that really feasible or just too much heat in too small of a space?

@hybridway2 can you believe who finally resurfaced?

Damn, brother Evil-Mobo is back on the scene. Watch out folks, mobo cutting loose in a legal state!

@Renfro @a mongo frog any thoughts or suggestions on the idea of trying to use a DE in a 5x5 tent? Is that really feasible or just too much heat in too small of a space?

@hybridway2 can you believe who finally resurfaced?
I hear those Ac/Dc hoods work good enough. Some usually available used for cheap out here guys.
Led, Led, Led!

Damn, brother Evil-Mobo is back on the scene. Watch out folks, mobo cutting loose in a legal state!

@Renfro @a mongo frog any thoughts or suggestions on the idea of trying to use a DE in a 5x5 tent? Is that really feasible or just too much heat in too small of a space?

@hybridway2 can you believe who finally resurfaced?
Welcome back Evil-MoBo! Glad you're still around & doing good bro. Lets get you growing homie! I'll check inventory.
Come on you fucking potato Amare Shill! This ain't no LED vs HPS Debate thread :wink: :lol:
No, it's me giving My Man EvilMobo solid advice. Not your False Led Weather Reports
Butt-Cheese. Over here stearing your boy in the exact opposite direction he should be going. Led has changed tremendously since dude was around. He was a tester of the truth like me n sometimes you. There's absolutely NO reason he should take 10 steps backwards & try to grow with hps in a tent. Even back then he had the opportunity to use Horticultural leds but never got the chance. Liked his Auto-Cobs by BigSmo but did not like the original QB's. Everything he bitched about them then has still to be addressed & them being one of the most popular of course he has a bad taste in his mouth for led like you. Stop pouring Vinigar in there Homes.
He has the chance to kill it like never before because i will gladly guide him through the steps i had to learn the hard way. Assuring him success n beyond on his first run.
So YES, to answer your question, HPS IN GENERAL IS PHASING OUT. DE , Triple-Ended, CMH quadruple ended, its all going out the window soon enough bra. No Ballasts will make up for it. Only chance in Hell HPS has at making a comeback is if they made 2.2-2.4 umol/j DE-CMH using multiple, butted cmh 315's. Yes, i said DE-315'S. Only way to compete with the leds spread these days. Bars or strips anyways or low wattage boards.
Sure, use a Digi-DE ballast on a newer tech bulb. Ok so now you got what? 1.6/7 umol/j instead of 1.3 of a spectrum with all that wasted IR/HEAT & not enough blue.
DE Is 1.9 & still needs led or highly inefficient MH to ballance out the spectrum if shooting for enhanced led competitive nugwad.
All the while I'm pumping 2.6-2-8 , umol/j of a much better Spectrum, hitting 2gpw+ w/ only Adding yeilds to my space or g/sq'. Then the quality is unparalleled out here. So why in Gods name would i ever point EvilMoBo in the wrong direction? To satisfy your 1/2 close-minded approach? I love ya man but it is what it is. I see you constantly looking for any reason to out led even after we share private things/pics i tell/show no one else.
Dude, get off thinking about HLG, HGL, Next-Light Mega or Spectrum King. Get DE Out your head man. FOCUS your grow talent into utilizing a true Horticultural led system that will up the anti in a way you never imagined.
You dont wanna use Amare for some strange reason & get the huge discounts ill pass on then go pay big bucks for one that may be even better. Has x6 spectrums to choose from as well as geographical, live weather mimicking spectrums. No idea what they cost.
This is the ONLY company i would consider buying over Amare just to see the build quality & use these spectrums. They don't even tell you the doides or drivers & recentky pulled they're SPD graphs. Copying is realer then ever nowadays in a time where most companies are just chasing electrical efficiency & beginning to realize their spectrums are deficient. Proprietary In-House i think.
To put the hard time & work into dialing the perfectly balanced spectrum between quality & quantity just to have some guess happy, customer derived HE spectrum company come & steal it is a huge kick in the nuts. And why Amare is not posting their spectrums yet like they used to. I disagree with this but also agree stealing hard earned spectrums is a shitty Ass thing to do & they all do it once the sbs,s come in or the customers feedback starts saying the "Spectrum Snob" light is what I want instead. But not until they waste a ton of money on supplemental trying to fix their white lights.
Could have just bought it to begin with if everyone wasnt hating so much & gave out better advice.
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No, it's me giving My Man EvilMobo solid advice. Not your False Led Weather Reports
Butt-Cheese. Over here stearing your boy in the exact opposite direction he should be going. Led has changed tremendously since dude was around. He was a tester of the truth like me n sometimes you. There's absolutely NO reason he should take 10 steps backwards & try to grow with hps in a tent. Even back then he had the opportunity to use Horticultural leds but never got the chance. Liked his Auto-Cobs by BigSmo but did not like the original QB's. Everything he bitched about them then has still to be addressed & them being one of the most popular of course he has a bad taste in his mouth for led like you. Stop pouring Vinigar in there Homes.
He has the chance to kill it like never before because i will gladly guide him through the steps i had to learn the hard way. Assuring him success n beyond on his first run.
So YES, to answer your question, HPS IN GENERAL IS PHASING OUT. DE , Triple-Ended, CMH quadruple ended, its all going out the window soon enough bra. No Ballasts will make up for it. Only chance in Hell HPS has at making a comeback is if they made 2.2-2.4 umol/j DE-CMH using multiple, butted cmh 315's. Yes, i said DE-315'S. Only way to compete with the leds spread these days. Bars or strips anyways or low wattage boards.
Sure, use a Digi-DE ballast on a newer tech bulb. Ok so now you got what? 1.6/7 umol/j instead of 1.3 of a spectrum with all that wasted IR/HEAT & not enough blue.
DE Is 1.9 & still needs led or highly inefficient MH to ballance out the spectrum if shooting for enhanced led competitive nugwad.
All the while I'm pumping 2.6-2-8 , umol/j of a much better Spectrum, hitting 2gpw+ w/ only Adding yeilds to my space or g/sq'. Then the quality is unparalleled out here. So why in Gods name would i ever point EvilMoBo in the wrong direction? To satisfy your 1/2 close-minded approach? I love ya man but it is what it is. I see you constantly looking for any reason to out led even after we share private things/pics i tell/show no one else.
Dude, get off thinking about HLG, HGL, Next-Light Mega or Spectrum King. Get DE Out your head man. FOCUS your grow talent into utilizing a true Horticultural led system that will up the anti in a way you never imagined.
You dont wanna use Amare for some strange reason & get the huge discounts ill pass on then go pay big bucks for one that may be even better. Has x6 spectrums to choose from as well as geographical, live weather mimicking spectrums. No idea what they cost.
This is the ONLY company i would consider buying over Amare just to see the build quality & use these spectrums. They don't even tell you the doides or drivers & recentky pulled they're SPD graphs. Copying is realer then ever nowadays in a time where most companies are just chasing electrical efficiency & beginning to realize their spectrums are deficient. Proprietary In-House i think.
To put the hard time & work into dialing the perfectly balanced spectrum between quality & quantity just to have some guess happy, customer derived HE spectrum company come & steal it is a huge kick in the nuts. And why Amare is not posting their spectrums yet like they used to. I disagree with this but also agree stealing hard earned spectrums is a shitty Ass thing to do & they all do it once the sbs,s come in or the customers feedback starts saying the "Spectrum Snob" light is what I want instead. But not until they waste a ton of money on supplemental trying to fix their white lights.
Could have just bought it to begin with if everyone wasnt hating so much & gave out better advice.

I’m not against anything at all just initial goal is to get up and running with a minimal cash outlay. I’m in a new state with a few Hundo in my pocket and waiting for my seed stash to come in. I am starting over from scratch. I don’t have time to be doing spectrum testing that in my opinion the companies themselves should be doing. Those Autocobs I liked are sitting in a box in another state. If I can get them I might have some use for them but I liked the 6500K ones best for veg when power use and heat can be issues in a small space. Two of those 55w lights use to veg pretty good in a 2x4. But for flower I had yet to use anything better than HPS. And my autos I just ran them all year with light 24/7 with a blue MH start to finish and always had good yields and smoke. A big part is genetics. I still hold to my theory when I stopped using LED in the past. People are pushing too much of the wrong light. BigSmo and I were having good results with low power which went against all common theory at the time. I have never tried an Amare and would love to but I ain’t got Amare $$ right now. HPS might not give me the ideal situation but it’s a go to for me like T5. I have grown start to finish with 6500K T5 and been very happy. no guessing on spectrums and if it’s complete etc etc. I have been gone a while and I know things have changed but from peeking around a lot still seems the same. So like I said not against anything Going forward but keep seeing gavitas for $250 for a complete fixture and that beats $1000 and up for a led as far as startup cost easily. This is purely from a startup cost point of view. Later after I have a few runs down and get a perpetual consistent I can start toying with stuff but I’d probably just end up building my own light again like I use to if I felt led was worth another try.

Good to hear from you again brother and thanks for chiming in.
I’m not against anything at all just initial goal is to get up and running with a minimal cash outlay. I’m in a new state with a few Hundo in my pocket and waiting for my seed stash to come in. I am starting over from scratch. I don’t have time to be doing spectrum testing that in my opinion the companies themselves should be doing. Those Autocobs I liked are sitting in a box in another state. If I can get them I might have some use for them but I liked the 6500K ones best for veg when power use and heat can be issues in a small space. Two of those 55w lights use to veg pretty good in a 2x4. But for flower I had yet to use anything better than HPS. And my autos I just ran them all year with light 24/7 with a blue MH start to finish and always had good yields and smoke. A big part is genetics. I still hold to my theory when I stopped using LED in the past. People are pushing too much of the wrong light. BigSmo and I were having good results with low power which went against all common theory at the time. I have never tried an Amare and would love to but I ain’t got Amare $$ right now. HPS might not give me the ideal situation but it’s a go to for me like T5. I have grown start to finish with 6500K T5 and been very happy. no guessing on spectrums and if it’s complete etc etc. I have been gone a while and I know things have changed but from peeking around a lot still seems the same. So like I said not against anything Going forward but keep seeing gavitas for $250 for a complete fixture and that beats $1000 and up for a led as far as startup cost easily. This is purely from a startup cost point of view. Later after I have a few runs down and get a perpetual consistent I can start toying with stuff but I’d probably just end up building my own light again like I use to if I felt led was worth another try.

Good to hear from you again brother and thanks for chiming in.
I gotchu
When I had my 5x5 I was pulling 1.75lbs+ with a 630w CMH dual double bulb. Switched from hps to cmh and couldn't be happier that I did

One light per 5x5? What brand setup? I’m not against this. Last time I stopped growing these were still being developed. I had a 315 cmh from sun system long time ago and loved it. I was just trying to run it in too smal a space in a very hot climate so it wasn’t the right fit at the time.
One light per 5x5? What brand setup? I’m not against this. Last time I stopped growing these were still being developed. I had a 315 cmh from sun system long time ago and loved it. I was just trying to run it in too smal a space in a very hot climate so it wasn’t the right fit at the time.

Yup, I have a SunStream 630W Double Bulb CMH.
Evil, you want a Pro-4 or you decided on a bulb? Holla back tonight n lmk! Will be out asap. They're amongst my favorite now that i dimmed them. You can hook up an external pot right? Just to the cobs. Dont have to but would be useful.
Ill buy a newer version of it with the Canna-Spec. & dimmer. It covers a 3×4 area all day the way i have it dimmed but does 3.5x4.5 when turned up, especially in a tent, OMG! If you're doing a 5x5 then x2 of these would rock it dimmed. Lemme see what i can do.
Wanna help you but aslo wanna have you show OHD with his own cuts wtf he could do if he pulled the burnt hps bulb out of his head. :hug::hump:, Yeah, you knogw what that means OHD! LOL!

EDITTED: He's actually breaking my se-hps records i think in organic soil of all things so hes doing great. But what he could do is the question!
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Evil, you want a Pro-4 or you decided on a bulb? Holla back tonight n lmk! Will be out asap. They're amongst my favorite now that i dimmed them. You can hook up an external pot right? Just to the cobs. Dont have to but would be useful.
Ill buy a newer version of it with the Canna-Spec. & dimmer. It covers a 3×4 area all day the way i have it dimmed but does 3.5x4.5 when turned up, especially in a tent, OMG! If you're doing a 5x5 then x2 of these would rock it dimmed. Lemme see what i can do.
Wanna help you but aslo wanna have you show OHD with his own cuts wtf he could do if he pulled the burnt hps bulb out of his head. :hug::hump:, Yeah, you know what that means OHD! LOL!

lol I will use whatever is the cheapest for me to get going. So just reach out to us when you know. That would be good to to see the strains grown under both types of lights in two different places.
looking at the umols that brand the sun stream seems on the weaker side. You did a side by side of this light with a 1K HPS?
No side by side, just been growing that same way for 15 years and I started off with hps and moved to cmh a few years ago.
No side by side, just been growing that same way for 15 years and I started off with hps and moved to cmh a few years ago.

Is the 1.75 unit your max or the minimum you always get? I’m not trying to argue just curious because huge difference in umols between the 630 cmh from sun stream and a ushio 1000W HPS which is what I would run if I went that route.

I don’t think the DE will be good in a tent with the lack of height.
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That's the minimum dried weight I get now and for last 5 runs. My 1st grow with a cmh I had a lot of issues because it was my 1st time using a tent rather than a room and 1st time using the CMH and I had moved to a city that was a lot hotter than where I used to live. But after that 1st run I pretty much got everything dailed in.
That's the minimum dried weight I get now and for last 5 runs. My 1st grow with a cmh I had a lot of issues because it was my 1st time using a tent rather than a room and 1st time using the CMH and I had moved to a city that was a lot hotter than where I used to live. But after that 1st run I pretty much got everything dailed in.

you have any pics of the spread of that light in the 5 x 5?