Are the GAS PRICES really going up? :D


Well-Known Member
... Wow, you people REALLY get your kicks out of blaming George W. Bush for everything. It's not his fault our dollar is performing poorly. We, the people, painted ourselves into that corner.

Across the lake from here, the Shell oil company wants to build a huge refinery in Canada. The US had no problems with it until they found out that Canada wasn't going to sell them the 300,000 barrels/day it will produce. India and China will pay much, much more for it than the US.

Now, there is a stateside initiative to stop the refinery from being built. That's right, people in this country are trying to tell Canada what they can and can not build on their land. Something about environmental concerns ... which they didn't have until Canada said they're going where the money is.

Why don't you grow up and accept that it's your love of luxury at low cost that drove our dollar into the ground?


Well-Known Member
... Wow, you people REALLY get your kicks out of blaming George W. Bush for everything. It's not his fault our dollar is performing poorly. We, the people, painted ourselves into that corner.

Across the lake from here, the Shell oil company wants to build a huge refinery in Canada. The US had no problems with it until they found out that Canada wasn't going to sell them the 300,000 barrels/day it will produce. India and China will pay much, much more for it than the US.

Now, there is a stateside initiative to stop the refinery from being built. That's right, people in this country are trying to tell Canada what they can and can not build on their land. Something about environmental concerns ... which they didn't have until Canada said they're going where the money is.

Why don't you grow up and accept that it's your love of luxury at low cost that drove our dollar into the ground?

"you people"? :confused::-?:-?


Well-Known Member
"you people"? :confused::-?:-?
... That didn't come out right. XD It's not a generalization of everyone here, just so you know.

I mean the people who like to run around and bleat about how Bush is responsible for the collapse of this nation's economy or the horrible state of the Middle East or their hammertoe.

It's a team effort, folks! Bush has no more power than congress or the supreme court. Spread some of your anger around for awhile.


Well-Known Member
It's a team effort, folks! Bush has no more power than congress or the supreme court. Spread some of your anger around for awhile.[/quote]

Your RIGHT CanadianC.
They suck too.. Off with their heads:cuss:

Do you guys agree with the notion that these vids propose, i.e. the dollar is losing value and thats why we have to pay more for GAS PRICES......:cry:




Well-Known Member
the dollar is losing value because you don't value the dollar. why aren't you at work? or are you? slacking off online and bitching to your co-workers about needing a raise? lol.

"we the people"


Well-Known Member
the dollar is losing value because you don't value the dollar. why aren't you at work? or are you? slacking off online and bitching to your co-workers about needing a raise? lol.

"we the people"
Who doesn't value the dollar? I do. I buy what I can with my money, and I'm not rich so I have to be frugal.

Its the inflation and debt that we are in that devalued the dollar to the world market.. The other countries don't appreciate the dollar as much because there is SOO much of it in circulation and plus the USA isn't doing so good financially because of the deficit.

This is why the USA has been a big tourist attraction, because the EU money is worth ~2 fold of ours. They can take a nice vacation over here and buy nice things and cheaper than they would locally. The same holds true with oil, its because the dollar is worth less, WE pay more per gallon.. (same with weed, the more herb being sold, the less its worth. Supply and demand)

Inflation is the name of the game, and our money being worth less is the product.


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