Are the yeilds of the seeds really what they say they are


IVe looked at many diffrent seed banks and found that the yeilds vary but all seem to be high around 400g indoors now is this under idea conditions and rare cases what can i expect from each plant using the right dirt the right deit and water mh lights for veg and hps lights for flowering ?
depends on how well u grow them and the detail. most of the time ur looking at 1-4 ounces inside, also depends on the strain of course. but ya thats probably their master growers! but i mean u could be awesome and grow perfect weed first try!!! good luck sir!


Well-Known Member
the amount stated is often very deceiving. the usual harvest for indica dominant strains and lower yeilders is around 1 OZ/month of veg. commercial strains and heavy yeilders will usually yeild 3 OZ's / 1.5 months veg.

for a first timer choose an Easy strain. the first time is ALL about learning what to do, when to do it, and how to do it to get good smoke. the easier the strain the better the experience.