Chemical salts build up is caused by chemical nutrients. Salts are just sodium. Nothing else. No nutrient value for plants at all. Natural organics does not produce any salt build up. Quit tryimg to spin chems in your favor. Potassium is a sugar. Not a salt. I dont use potassiu. Mnitrate nor silicate. All natural all day. No man made crap.
Okay now I know for sure that you don't know what you're talking about. Sodium Chloride is what we call Table Salt, but not all salts are sodium. A chemical salt is the product of the reaction of an acid and a base neutralizing. Potassium is a metal, not a sugar. Sodium is ALSO a metal. This is basic chemistry sir, please consult a dictionary. You really don't do anyone any good spreading garbage like that.

I am seriously considering using "Potassium is a sugar" as a signature, that is just such an aggressively ignorant statement.
No wot u need to do is bag up all the soil that's anywhere near that plant uv got in ur own soil and SELL IT because that must b some pretty darned good soil to give u results like that lolol.
Wrote this before I'd seen the last two pages of heated arguments to say the least but I have enjoyed the read and learned some facts weither they b useful or worthless only time will tell...