Are there any smart Trump supporters?


Well-Known Member
I believe Goldman Sachs was his #1 campaign contributor... sounds like a bunch of FILTHY ZIONIST SCUM TO ME!
How many times have you been to jail and for what? What were the results of your psychological exam, if they weren't the results you were looking for, the examiner was probably jewish. When can we expect your clothing line to be released? You should call your clothing line " Gentile threads".
i like how the thread asking if there are any smart trump supporters has devolved into two skinhead anti-semites trading conspiracy theories back and forth.


Well-Known Member
I didn't get my kids vaccinated, natural immunity and a strong immune system is the best defense. TRUMP has been outspoken about the over vaccination of our kids and has stood up to big pharma. TRUMP is a righteous man not owned by lobbyist. Kinda like bernie, but with balls.
Your kids are not naturally immune to polio and other nasty illnesses they have vaccines for but I have not gotten my daughter a flu shot. Just try to keep your kids in the sticks in USA don't want to bring them anywhere you might run into a family of immigrants or damn sure travel to a 3rd world country then they will be fine. I just sleep better knowing I can leave the country with my daughter and not worry about polio, measles, etc..:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Your kids are not naturally immune to polio and other nasty illnesses they have vaccines for but I have not gotten my daughter a flu shot. Just try to keep your kids in the sticks in USA don't want to bring them anywhere you might run into a family of immigrants or damn sure travel to a 3rd world country then they will be fine. I just sleep better knowing I can leave the country with my daughter and not worry about polio, measles, etc..:bigjoint:
actually, most immigrants come from nations with better health care than ours, where immiunization rates are higher for children, especially because of anti-semitic conspiracy loving, drooling retards like shoreline.


Well-Known Member
actually, most immigrants come from nations with better health care than ours, where immiunization rates are higher for children, especially because of anti-semitic conspiracy loving, drooling retards like shoreline.
Probably most but we did have measles in the USA a few years ago from immigrants not sure what country they came from though.


Well-Known Member
He lost his fortune investing in hydroponic watermelon farms. He hates church but loves Church's chicken. He hates white people but loves him some white women.
I like all them things to but I did hear Sicilian's are part African. I would probably say more North African because my grandfather could pass for an Egyptian and who wouldn't fuck Cleopatra?


Well-Known Member
i like how the thread asking if there are any smart trump supporters has devolved into two skinhead anti-semites trading conspiracy theories back and forth.
It's called sarcasm on my part. If you don't get the joke ,it's on you. I will put lol after everything since the goyim aren't that smart.