Are there any smart Trump supporters?


Well-Known Member
Many times they are just trolling. Other times, its posted to spread doubt in people with passing interest and just scanning an article or posting. The more times something is repeated the more credibility it has for many people. Seeding doubt has become big business for lobbyists. Then their drones, people like @NLXSK1 show up to spread that crap. The emotional part is a big component in their propaganda.

Trump takes it to a new level when he mutters things like "I'd like to punch him" at a rally. What started as ignorance and doubt is morphing into angry goons that are offended when their "facts" are disputed. It's all driven by repetition of the same falsehoods.

The most stupid are most susceptible. As shown by the quality of responses from these Republicans, especially teabaggers.
I also like how in lieu of a meaningful retort in the face of facts disproving their sentiments, often times they simply resort to nitpicking about spelling or some statement that was obviously dripping with sarcasm or embelishment as "false".

As if pointing out some nitpicky B.S. were somehow a valid way to discredit your points in some vain attempt to remain "right" or relevant in the conversation.


Well-Known Member
Why is it that anyone who has a differing opinion is characterized as some kind of [insert liberal/welfare insult here]
People arrive at their beliefs in different ways. Some well thought out and researched, some not so much.
This shit about "mah tax dollahs" is the worst sort of me-first-self-centered ignorance badly disguised in a cloak of fake conservatism. These people have NO vision of a social contract - conservative, liberal, or radical...they just HATE that someone else might get a break they didn't.


Well-Known Member
Who is wealthy and paid 0 in taxes?
I'm by no means wealthy, but I make a fair amount. A few years ago, I managed to not only not pay any taxes, but the taxes I had paid for the year were completely refunded to me, along with another $2,000 or so.

I managed to carry over losses from the previous year along with some business purchases that I used as pass through capital expenditures.

Yea, wealthy people can pay 0.

GE not only pays 0, it gets millions back.

Yea, the wealthy "can" pay 0.

You're dumb as shit.


Well-Known Member
It doesnt say anyone paid 0 in taxes. It says that some income is exempt from federal taxation. Like foreign stock income for which income tax has already been paid. You can bitch that a rich guy like Warren Buffet pays 0 in INCOME tax but he pays CAPITAL GAINS taxes.

So, I am correct that wealthy people always pay taxes. Some of it can be deferred but the IRS gets every penny.


Well-Known Member
It doesnt say anyone paid 0 in taxes. It says that some income is exempt from federal taxation. Like foreign stock income for which income tax has already been paid. You can bitch that a rich guy like Warren Buffet pays 0 in INCOME tax but he pays CAPITAL GAINS taxes.

So, I am correct that wealthy people always pay taxes. Some of it can be deferred but the IRS gets every penny.
You should take an economics class at your local community college

Blunted 4 lyfe

Well-Known Member
It doesnt say anyone paid 0 in taxes. It says that some income is exempt from federal taxation. Like foreign stock income for which income tax has already been paid. You can bitch that a rich guy like Warren Buffet pays 0 in INCOME tax but he pays CAPITAL GAINS taxes.

So, I am correct that wealthy people always pay taxes. Some of it can be deferred but the IRS gets every penny.
There are wealthy people who don't pay taxes, zilch, nada,'re now using warren buffet and capital gains tax. You asked who is wealthy and pay 0 taxes, that's it, I gave you evidence now you want to move the goal post! Gtfoh, grow up.



Well-Known Member
There are wealthy people who don't pay taxes, zilch, nada,'re now using warren buffet and capital gains tax. You asked who is wealthy and pay 0 taxes, that's it, I gave you evidence now you want to move the goal post! Gtfoh, grow up.

Did you read the article? Because I did. It doesnt say anyone pays no taxes. Sometimes things are deferred, etc but unless you lose money you are paying taxes. And if you do a short sale on an investment property you will pay income taxes on the loss.

I say the wealthy pay taxes and you try to prove they dont by providing a quote showing some dont pay FEDERAL INCOME taxes. Bzzt, wrong.


Well-Known Member
Why never anything to say about corporate welfare? Why do you only complain when poor people receive aid and never when rich individuals or corporations do?
Why do you not complain about corporate welfare to the likes of Solandra?
Lol, this is hilarious..

I've been saying individuals, like you and me, pay too much in taxes and corporations pay too little for years on this site, and every single time you defend the opposite position you're taking now. That revenue has to come from somewhere, 46% of it comes out of individuals pockets, 11% of it comes out of corporations, many of whom record healthy profit margins for their shareholders and executives. Now here you are crying about all the taxes you have to pay. Well, tough titty :( individuals, like you and me,so you don't get to complain about high taxes.

Also, the US hasn't seen negative economic activity since 2009. What produces negative economic growth is when financial institutions crash the global economy, which is also something you love being on the wrong side of the issue of
All corporate taxes are paid by individuals, like you and me.


Well-Known Member
There are wealthy people who don't pay taxes, zilch, nada,'re now using warren buffet and capital gains tax. You asked who is wealthy and pay 0 taxes, that's it, I gave you evidence now you want to move the goal post! Gtfoh, grow up.

What evidence? You didn't name a single person who doesn't pay taxes. Not even Schuylaar