Are there any vendors who accept PayPal and who are they?

Yes jdoorn. Great job of injecting humor. Actually it was pointed out to me that my thread wasn't cool and I have no problem being corrected and I won't do it again skippy. I do happen to know a state popo who works Logan and he says the dogs have been retrained to locate other things. The DEA does have more important things to look for than weed or beans but I don't doubt for a second my question was in poor taste. Live and learn my friend or do you already know it all.
The DEA is not at airports...well not on the regs like TSA. The TSA has no mandate to search for drugs. If they believe they have found illegal drugs they call the local police and it will go from there.

I repeat the TSA is not looking for drugs and their dogs won't be trained to find them. I spent about six hours stuck in the Durango airport three years ago and if you know the Durango airport there are three gates and not a whole hell of a lot going on. I had lengthy discussions with TSA agents about the recent legalization of recreational cannabis and what that meant for them like if one was flying from Durango to Denver would that be "legal" as far as they were concerned. Thats when I was educated on the above. They said the smell weed all the time and unless they thought it was something like a duffle bag full and looked like illegal trafficking on a large scale instead of personal use they might call the local police.

To an agent they said "we have more important things to worry about"

I'm not here to tell anyone one what is or isn't OK just passing along my experience.
I appreciate the constructive guidance and information and what most of you said is accurate in hindsight. Jdoorn your apparently a dickwad or possibly a detective.
I have used bitcoin in the past and I have used a Visa or MasterCard not sure which one but have both. Bad Karma and Bagginski thanks for enlightening me.
Just an aside, the DEA really doesn't give a crap about a little weed. They many other things to worry about such as fentanyl and opiates. Take care guys and happy growing
u must be talking about a different DEA IN THE UNITED SNAKES, cause the current one still hunts down fields of dreams to destroy them as well as other anti weed related operations. ijs step on the rose colored glasses
delete the thread and make a sticky on being cautious about sensitive issues like this. use the pm system even though on the grape vine folks say pms are read here. even if that is true that type pf pm shouldn't be a problem for admin/owner. done!