Are these autos stunted? First grow. Tyrone's Special.

Well here's an update. Day 39 in the pics and they seem stunted for sure. Not sure what exactly went wrong. Any ideas? I measured the lights and they were at 23" the whole time. Maybe they were too far away or I need better lights? Humidity was also too low the first 20-30 days, and they also look a bit like they have N toxicity. I only watered them with weak kelp and calmag every other water during first half and then stopped gave them one dose of maxibloom.

Next time I plan to put the lights closer, keep humidity around 40-50% and try coco. Anyone have ideas what went wrong?


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Well here's an update. Day 39 in the pics and they seem stunted for sure. Not sure what exactly went wrong. Any ideas? I measured the lights and they were at 23" the whole time. Maybe they were too far away or I need better lights? Humidity was also too low the first 20-30 days, and they also look a bit like they have N toxicity. I only watered them with weak kelp and calmag every other water during first half and then stopped gave them one dose of maxibloom.

Next time I plan to put the lights closer, keep humidity around 40-50% and try coco. Anyone have ideas what went wrong?
My opinion - the lights. I think autos will do better under an HPS light. From the looks of the plants, they had too much blue spectrum, which is fine for photos - it keeps stem growth short. Autos I think benefit from a redder spectrum and more stretch. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.