Are these doing ok?


Active Member
Hey all,
Have some pics of the little ones, hoping someone can tell me how I am doing (my first grow). Not sure how old they are (never thought to keep track) or what strain they are, seeds I found in some bud I bought last year.
They are in 8" pots, I put them outside in the sun every day and bring them in at night(still cold here).
Soil - well drained, retains moisture (peat, loam, perlite)
Water when dry and am using a 20 30 20 fertilizer (Schultz) at 1/2 strength every second watering.
They are just under 5" tall, about 7.5" across and have 5 sets of nodes. They seem very short to me based on the pics of others that I have seen here.
One more thing, 2 of the plants have a few yellow dots on them, not sure what they are, but would take a guess at water droplets and the sun, unless someone can offer another possibility. This is a project for me, more so to see if I can. Student here, so I don't have a lot of resources to buy the "bells and whistles" just yet.

Any response would be appreciated.




Active Member
Thanks AlteaMan, appreciate the feed-back, the yellow spots have faded a little from the first time they showed on the plants. Hoping it's nothing major.



Well-Known Member
ya there lookin pretty nice. the shortness isnt a bad thing. good node spacing. if i were you i would try to find maybe a different fertilizer, thats more equal in npk ratios, and if anything during veg, you want more nitrogen than anything else.


Active Member
Found some 24 8 16..first application today..thanks for the advice on the higher nitro will adjust to a 10 52 10 for flowering.



Well-Known Member
ya that sounds like a really good vegging fert. as for the 10 52 10. im not sure thats such a great idea. i specifically saw a post the other day about how nutes like that arent that great, and how the npk should still be a bit more balanced. i think the ideal levels for flowering are around 2 5 3. or somewhere around there. obviously 20-50-30 is the same.