Are these girls ready for soil?


Active Member
here are my plants, been grown under a 3,900 cfl since seed and are about 3.5 - 4 weeks old. I went out and bought 2 big bags of mircle grow moisture something soil (I don't plan to add nutes until later into flowering) and some pearlite. This is my first grow and I plan to mix the soil 60/40 with pearlite. Does that sound about right for 5gallon containers?

Also, are these ready for my 400w HPS? What distance should I put the light from them? I was thinking about 30"



Active Member
two of them are white diesel, the smallest is super silver haze and the largest is big buddha cheese.

Cheese is a bit yellow, I think over watering just maybe. When would it be safe to transplant if they are a bit under the weather?


Well-Known Member
Yeah its a good time to replant as long as growth is normal. If they are yellowing you may want to give them a little time. I soak my containers in a B vit.(thrive alive b1 green bottle) mix for 15 min. before I transplant. Never lost any with this method...I've even done it from hydroton to soil.


Well-Known Member
looks really nice as for the light let the temp be your guide.
this distance will all be decided by your own system
of air for your growing area. just make sure you have good air movement and
not such that your blowing the roots off. take the temp off the plants