Are these liberty caps? (w/pics)


Well-Known Member
I was wondering if anyone can help me identify whether any of these 3 types of muchrooms are the magical liberty cap :roll:?

its very hard to say with that quality of pic i'd say no on first and second the third look like they might be but i couldnt recomend eating them as i cant see what they look like
did you check the area that you picked them from as some muchrooms look like liberties when they are young but when they're older they look different. so if you can look around for the different ages of shrooms


Well-Known Member
shrooms grow on cow shit. they look like small liberty caps but its hard to tell from the pic


Well-Known Member
yh i picked them from grassy area, most of the stalks were sort of bent to the side like libertys, yeah i know i want to be careful because i dont want to eat posinoues ones, but i have always wanted to do shrooms... soo annoying.


Well-Known Member
ya the first and seconds are def not libs,but the third ones maybe are woulnt advise eatin em tho if your not sure!i picked 200 liberty caps last week!muhaha
nice but fuck man go out and pick 1000 shrooms make a huge brew that will last you a week and your jammin.
that was probbaly 1 of the best weeks of my life lol school was soooo much fun lol only 13 at the time.:fire:


Well-Known Member

1st pic def not, inner flesh is the wrong colour, it should be dark
2nd hard to tell, 3rd could be, they have more of a LC shape.

It is hard to spot them in isolation, you need find a good few hundred in a patch and once youve got a few that have the classic characteristics ("Taj Mahal" shaped top/clear nipple on top/green and kinda slimy when wet/pale ochre colour when dry etc...) then youve got some kinda reference point to spot others that arent so typical.

Damn i miss picking LCs...we picked all our fields to death, havent seen any for years!


Well-Known Member
For pics in the future, make sure you have daylight quality lighting and macro pics from all angle, including closeups of the gills under the cap.

Even then, only use forum based identifications are a guideline. Don't eat them based on that alone.

Learn in person from someone who really knows their stuff. Mushrooms can be very unforgiving if you make a mistake or someone else gives you bogus info just for kicks.