are these liberty caps?


Well-Known Member
The liberty cap typically changes colour due to rain and the ones lying on the table look affected by weather. The 'blurry picture' looks very much like a liberty cap, does it have a 'nipple' ? The mushrooms tothe left of the picture have the wrong shaped head. I have picked caps for 20 years and when i get back from a pick i still religiously go through the whole bag how ever many 1000's Ive picked and still find a few that I throw. If the weather is dry and you pick early in the day then there is no way of getting them confused as they are the only mushroom in the UK with the bell shaped white head and a transluscent brown nipple. But, as i said earlier, they usually grow in longer grass that collects holds the morning dew and they soon taint. If you leave them out in a warm room they will return back to there original colour ,although a little dirty looking! I would say quite happily , blurred or not , that the mushroom closest to the camera is aliberty cap as you can make out the nipple.


Well-Known Member
lol man there is a shroom that is lytrally identical to a liberty cap ... execpt IT KILLS U ...
The closest mushroom to the liberty cap is quite often called the 'death cap' due to its potentially fatal effect. It is by no means identical, but similar to rain affected liberty caps, it does not have a nipple either. Inexperienced pickers shoul go with experienced ones; thats how you learn, along with excellent mushroom encyclopaedias!!


Well-Known Member
Field guide, anybody that is gonna pick wild mushrooms really needs to get a field guide. This will help you to accuratly identify which species you have. Doing the spore print is very easy, and in theory if you took a spore print you could start growing them yourself!!


Well-Known Member
Also sorry for the double post, you said earlier that you ate like 70 caps last night? Did you eat 70 of those caps in question, what effect did it have. Did you get a weight on the 70 caps, or just start eating them, cus thats alot!

uk WeeD

Well-Known Member
they had nipples on em and were all from the same place, and ye i necked em all there was only a few big one rest were small - bout the size of a raisin, didnt feel much just felt like a weak x pill


Well-Known Member
Dude, little brown mushrooms=bad news. Google mushroom poisoning for some good reading about what happens if your wrong. Many shrooms cause immediate nausea and vomitting followed by a symptom free latent period of 2 weeks where the toxins are permanently destroying your liver. Once you start having signs of liver failure it's to late, your now a transplant hopeful. Bad fucking news dude. Liver failure is a slow, nasty, uncomfortable death.


Well-Known Member
Lol I'm not tryin to make you paranoid bro, I'm just very big on research. It only takes like an hour to get a spore print, and if you get a good field guide, then while you wait on the spore print you will be able to run down the list of other charecteristics the mushroom has. So with an hour of research you can almost gaurentee what type of mushroom it is. I love mushrooms, and I would love to go pick some, I live near alot of cow fields. But I just havn't gotten a field guide yet, so I don't bother looking, cus its not a chance I'm willing to take for a trip. I do like to pick random mushrooms JUST to take spore prints, its really kinda cool. I also enjoy growing mushrooms, and its actually MUCH easier then you might think to start(less then $100).