are these magic mushrooms?


Well-Known Member
hey guys found these mushrooms today, and didn't know if they were the psychedelic ones.
don't want to poison myself lol so can anyone help me out and tell me if these are edible or bin them.file.jpeg file1.jpeg ?
They look like common garden mushroom that appear almost constantly in garden beds. They're mildly poisonous . you can tell by the lines on the cap that resemble the skeleton to an umbrella. They are not panaeolus
The whole idea of an 8 hour psychedelic experience coming from a recycled Earth product such as Cow Pies baffles Me...
LSD and all come from the Earth. Ancient Greek's would trip on erogot contaminated rye must have had an extraction method since on it's own is deadly.
Got any recipes, bruv ?
I wish, I know how to grow mushrooms and make DMT just can't figure out how to make LSD I almost want to go to college and study chemistry I could make millions. Just got to take a trip to Greece buy some contaminated rye bring it back and grow that mold like shrooms but you have to do a bit of work from the grain for LSD.
LSD and all come from the Earth. Ancient Greek's would trip on erogot contaminated rye must have had an extraction method since on it's own is deadly.

LSA comes from ergot (as well as a few plant species). LSA is the precursor to LSD but LSD is a synthetic substance. LSA is only mildly psychoactive.
No there not but they do look similar to libs. The golden rule when hunting your own shrooms is "When in doubt, throw it out". I would highly suggest getting a national geographic mushroom I.D. guide or similar. I have been foraging mushrooms edibal and psilocybe most all my life. Eating the wrong look a like LBM could have you pissing and shitting in a bag the rest of your life.
Never try your luck with shrooms. By the time you realize something is wrong, you have done irreparable harm to your liver.
When my friends and I used to take and search for em (gold tops and blue meanies), the general rule of thumb besides immediate appearance was to break one open. If the mushroom turns blue when broken and exposed to air then its good. BUT many are extremely toxic. For example where i am there are these mushrooms nicknamed "death caps" and 1 or 2 of those and you're dead, no saving you. Please dont even think about consuming a mushroom unless you know for sure which variety it is. Remember too "death caps" look exactly the same as "gold tops" but dont turn blue. Peace bro and stay safe