Are these Male, Female or Polinated Females

I have been growing 2 plants in my garden that I thought were two females. However now that they are budding, Im not sure if one of them or both of them are polinated, or not. Can you give me your opinion as to whether these plants are male, female or polinated females? There are two plants and one is further in the flowering stage, so looks different.

Yes, this is the first time Ive ever done this.



Active Member
If theres no males present they can't be pollinated. They're most certainly not males. Maybe that pheno has weird looking bud formations? Or maybe someone in your area let a male grow to maturity and pollen somehow made it to your plants.


Active Member
Your neighbor obvi forgot to take down his male plants!:shock:
lol jk from these pics you cant rele tell maybe your plants are hermes and you missed the male parts


Well-Known Member
yea maybe hermie .. I had a branch on one of my train/afgoo plants do this .. and it was because it was incontact with the Hotwire I had running around my garden. i dont know if they were really herm or what because they just looked weird so I chopped them. Remove a small piece and see whats in them?


Well-Known Member
i think they are female. IMO thats just the way it turned out. my brother has bought a 1/2 pound of weed like that. was great but fluffy. I doubt you will yeild a lot. like i said IMO


Well-Known Member
yea looks like just some crazy foxtailing, swollen calaxys, maybe a few seeds but you should be alright imo


Well-Known Member
I feel as though there appeared to be some seeds there, which will make the later bud formation a little least it does on my plants...if they are pollinated then at the end they start to foxtail a good bit...but there are like big dense colas and then pieces start growing off the top, but I don't mind...I have this weed, and these seeds for next
On the pods there is something growing inside, so not sure if its buds or seeds, but for now its green and I guess in development of either seed or strange bud. I can cut one open and show pix?


Active Member
Either way is bud. Either bud with seeds or bud with out seeds so don't be to upset and seed make more bud. H can smoke seeded bud after h havest the seeds its fine alil less quality but still ok.