are these male or female? need help please


Well-Known Member
Yes mate the plant in the 1st 3 pics
Is deffo male
I would pull it 4 sure
Don't let those pods pop
Otherwise it's serious trouble


Well-Known Member
That first plant has got to go, no doubt about it. The other 2 are clearly showing pistils. So your judgement was completely accurate.


Well-Known Member
like u said first ones deff a male , and the other 2 are female.thats not to say the wont hermie on u tho lol ....nar just kidding.


First 3 male for sure, can see the white hairs in rest of pics so they're females. I would put a bag over the heads of the first 3 asap.


thanks guys the first 3 pics are all of the same plant and i will pull his ass up as soon as my lights come on tonight. lights are off right now so i dont want to disturb the ladies


well guys, found it it just wasnt a male, it was a fuckin hermie. buuutttt i think ill keep him for just a little bit of pollen because the plants i have are the last el nino i have so i put him way , way ,way , well yeah a long ways away from my ladies.