Are these males/females? Help a noob out.

ok so the first one is definitely a girl? I'm learning as i go along here. Is it because of that hair thing on pic one you can tell it's a girl? Could the 2 others still be girls btw?

JoNny Pot sMokeR

Active Member
the other two have no starting preflowers so we cant tell yet. if you see ball with 2 white hairs stickin out. FEMALE. if you see balls with no hair sticking out MALE. some females have swolen cylaxes and can look like males. the two white hairs is what makes it female.
the other two have no starting preflowers so we cant tell yet. if you see ball with 2 white hairs stickin out. FEMALE. if you see balls with no hair sticking out MALE. some females have swolen cylaxes and can look like males. the two white hairs is what makes it female.
thank you bro!