Are these Males What to do with them.


Active Member
I am a first time grower and a first on asking a question here as well. I have 2 pictures of 2 plants. I am afraid they are male but I need someone elses opinion before I cut them up. They are in there 8th day of flower. Can I make them into something worth consuming, brownies or something, we have made good brownies before with some dirt weed. Thanks for the information.



Well-Known Member
Definitely males.

Iunno, trash em, or grow them isolated from the females, and make BHO... About a gram of BHO per 2oz dried plant material.

Careful though... If they release pollen inside your house, your HVAC system can easily disperse the pollen to the females.


Well-Known Member
Both are dudes. You can either kill them or harvest pollen and selectively pollinate some of your females so you can get some seeds. I had one male in my current crop. I let it grow until I could get pollen out of the sacs and then I killed it. I pollinated one of the side colas on one of my females.


Active Member
I have plenty of bag seeds right now. What is BHO? And how long until the pollen drops. Thanks again. I already got a lot of help from here before I posted this question.


Well-Known Member
what is BHO and how exactly do you make it
Google her up. A really cheap way to extract THC from plant material.

Just cut up leaves stems and such, let them dry to a crisp, powder them, and extract the THC through them using a tube, coffee filter, and an 8oz can of liquid butane/propane.

Lots of good guides online... But remember, 1-2oz of dried material means 3-6oz of wet plant material... that's quite a bit.

BHO is a gorgeous product though. Golden brown THC resin. Really worth it IMO.


Well-Known Member
take the male and chop it all to hell right now let it sit on a pan for a few days till the leaves dry out. Then go buy iso heet its in the automotive section at say walmart. put the plant material and iso heet into a glass jar like a big pickle jar. shake the hell out of it when you think about it. Let it sit for like 3 days. then pull the large pieces out in your hands and squeeze them out. Then pour all the mixture through a #2 coffee filter and squeeze that liquid put. Once you have the dark green liquid in a jar pour it into a cake pan put a fan on it and let it sit all the iso will evaporate and you'll have the stickiest tar in the world left and it gets you high as hell. if you save some dry leaves from the plant you can grind it into a powder and mix it with the tar to get a chunk that you can smoke


Well-Known Member
take the male and chop it all to hell right now let it sit on a pan for a few days till the leaves dry out. Then go buy iso heet its in the automotive section at say walmart. put the plant material and iso heet into a glass jar like a big pickle jar. shake the hell out of it when you think about it. Let it sit for like 3 days. then pull the large pieces out in your hands and squeeze them out. Then pour all the mixture through a #2 coffee filter and squeeze that liquid put. Once you have the dark green liquid in a jar pour it into a cake pan put a fan on it and let it sit all the iso will evaporate and you'll have the stickiest tar in the world left and it gets you high as hell. if you save some dry leaves from the plant you can grind it into a powder and mix it with the tar to get a chunk that you can smoke
Ew god. The impurities in a can of iso heat would be disgusting. You can use 99% drug store USP alcohol to accomplish the same thing, or regent grade acetone/butane/propane/hexane etc.


Active Member
take the male and chop it all to hell right now let it sit on a pan for a few days till the leaves dry out. Then go buy iso heet its in the automotive section at say walmart. put the plant material and iso heet into a glass jar like a big pickle jar. shake the hell out of it when you think about it. Let it sit for like 3 days. then pull the large pieces out in your hands and squeeze them out. Then pour all the mixture through a #2 coffee filter and squeeze that liquid put. Once you have the dark green liquid in a jar pour it into a cake pan put a fan on it and let it sit all the iso will evaporate and you'll have the stickiest tar in the world left and it gets you high as hell. if you save some dry leaves from the plant you can grind it into a powder and mix it with the tar to get a chunk that you can smoke
Its called Oil, Honeyoil, hash oil whatever.