Are these pollen sacks growing?


570FF283-C20A-422F-8F33-5DAE59112B0C.jpeg F33C8DBA-6CE7-41D4-B244-CA2CC071F2A1.jpeg 2719B0E3-381A-45BC-BBD1-3A705A5BB54A.jpeg F433C828-8317-497C-B1B5-255A53A71B7E.jpeg ED9A5467-A4AB-4905-8CFE-98F29F6A3E56.jpeg image.jpg Hi guys,

I am a first time grower and have been reading about hermy plants and think I may have one I started the seed off outside and after 2 weeks put it under led lights. It died off after 2 weeks under lights i think because I didn’t have any nutrients to give it then I bought house and garden soil a+b roots excelerator, amino and multizyme and brought it back to life. I am growing under 600w green fingers full spectrum LED and is 8 weeks into veg. It has small sacks and one of them is slightly open with a brown fuzzy hair coming out what are these? I found the seed in some bud I got and it has just been topped for the 2nd time, pruned all the bottom off and is 42cms high in a 1.6x.8 tent.

Hope this isn’t too much information I’m Very new to this so any help would be appreciated.
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That is the calyx. Pistils come out of it. No not a pollen sac.
Shit I think your right they had a long white thing inside of them I pulled a couple off today because they looked big and swollen didn’t want to take the risk if they pop and ruin the plant. Will pulling 2 of them off stress the plant or do anything bad?

ganga gurl420

Well-Known Member
Shit I think your right they had a long white thing inside of them I pulled a couple off today because they looked big and swollen didn’t want to take the risk if they pop and ruin the plant. Will pulling 2 of them off stress the plant or do anything bad? but that is actually what your buds are made up of. Lots and lots of calyx. It's a girl for sure..
Just let her do her thing


Member but that is actually what your buds are made up of. Lots and lots of calyx. It's a girl for sure..
Just let her do her thing
Thanks for the good news haha it was stressing me out for a while I thought it might have gone hermy from stress it went through in the early days. Will those calyx’s regrow when I start flowering in a few days or will I get less bud because I pulled them off?


Well-Known Member
I made the pics bigger. I think I finally found someone more impatient than Me.... Where did Ya get the Electron Microscope??? Looking good.


I made the pics bigger. I think I finally found someone more impatient than Me.... Where did Ya get the Electron Microscope??? Looking good.
Haha no microscope used just a iPhone 8 camera zoom. The pictures make the plant look a lot better than it does to the human eye. Thanks mate


Looks to me like a stipule the little spikes right where the clalyxes grow. Is that a clone. ?
Nah this plant grew from seed but I have 4 clones from it growing in the background. Are stipules good to have on the plant? And would I have done any damage pulling a couple off?


Well-Known Member
stipules will have 2 small hairs shoot out of them, that's how you know it's female. Males have pollen sacs and usually appear before stipules do.

conor c

Well-Known Member
View attachment 4382303 View attachment 4382304 View attachment 4382305 View attachment 4382306 View attachment 4382307 View attachment 4382308 Hi guys,

I am a first time grower and have been reading about hermy plants and think I may have one I started the seed off outside and after 2 weeks put it under led lights. It died off after 2 weeks under lights i think because I didn’t have any nutrients to give it then I bought house and garden soil a+b roots excelerator, amino and multizyme and brought it back to life. I am growing under 600w green fingers full spectrum LED and is 8 weeks into veg. It has small sacks and one of them is slightly open with a brown fuzzy hair coming out what are these? I found the seed in some bud I got and it has just been topped for the 2nd time, pruned all the bottom off and is 42cms high in a 1.6x.8 tent.

Hope this isn’t too much information I’m Very new to this so any help would be appreciated.
Yeah in future try not to touch the pistils/calyxes but there normal n female


Well-Known Member
Don't be pulling anything but nanners or bugs off your plants. Randomly plucking unidentified things is a bad idea. Leave the stipules.
Nah this plant grew from seed but I have 4 clones from it growing in the background. Are stipules good to have on the plant? And would I have done any damage pulling a couple off?


Thanks to everyone for all the comments and advice I am now confident it’s a female and won’t pull anything off In future unless it’s bugs which I don’t have many at the moment just a few gnats.


Here’s an update for everyone.

End of week 3 flowering today tomorrow will be day 22 and things are progressing each day. Not sure if this is a problem or not but my main middle cola is starting to show 8 to588A8432-374A-4765-94D9-DE049426C4F0.jpeg F853C627-C849-44BC-9DFC-B5377AA21CBD.jpeg DD00A226-6A25-4B57-ABCC-B42F0E3AD441.jpeg 45C422DE-DF2F-472B-B461-AD369D89A563.jpeg 35A6CD59-205D-4911-8DB5-DBF80CDF9FEF.jpeg 8EC22604-0D21-4507-9304-D63432B6F702.jpeg 0761C3FE-AC0B-49A6-894D-D54462CF701E.jpeg 10 orange pistols instead of all white like the other colas, i have added a photo. Apart from that everything is going pretty well and haven’t had any issues. How important is a fan in the tent? Because I don’t have any sort of fan or air circulation in there and haven’t had any since day 1 but if it’s needed for a good end result I’ll get something this week.

Enjoy the photos.

