Are these pots too small?


Active Member
Should I transplant to a bigger pot when my seedlings are a couple weeks old before i start lst??

Im growing in a cabnet, thats about 2 feet wide and about 15 inches high. I plan on LSTing them and I have them 12/12 from seed



Active Member
Hey to answer ur question id say u have the wrong pots in general....hit up home depot/lowes and grab two 1 gallon buckets...u shouldnt use clear pots ...its not good if the roots get direct light...the pots arelike $1 each

Then please take the plants about 4" further away from those lights...ull hafta water them like crazy bcuz the water evaporates faster then the plant can use it haha...good luck keepposting ur updates ull learn everything u could ever want from this site


Active Member
Agreed with the above post except the watering part. You dont want to "water them like crazy". That will kill them quickly. Let em dry out first, which will usually be atleast a couple days for seedlings


Active Member
Id start off with 16 or 20 ounce party cups, preferably a dark color. The longer, conical shape promotes strong root growth, and they are really easy to transplant into a larger container. Your currents ones will be a bit difficult to transplant.

Be sure to cut drainage holes in the bottom.

Juicy Fruit

Active Member
its about 1 gallon of soil for every foot on the plant, so usually people go from party cup>1 gallon bucket>3-5 gallon bucket.


Well-Known Member
Bigger the roots, the bigger the shoots.
I think with 15" of grow room he is not worried about big shoots. I like the idea of the wider container. I believe it will give you a nice root mat. I think you can go start to finish right in that if you put duct tape on it to block the light.


Well-Known Member
Plants need as mutch room as u can give them if u can.......more root space more bud....


Active Member
If you are going to keep them in those pots you want to drill some holes not only for drainage but for AIR! The roots need to breathe to... I would also take the advice about placing some duck tape on the pot to block the light..... Easiest thing is go and buy a couple pots...