Are these ready to harvest?


Active Member
These are a mostly indica strain and have been in flower for only 4 weeks. Do they look ready to harvest? Id love to let them go another two weeks or so but dont want to let them go too long. Ay thoughts?



Well-Known Member
Don't cut them yet! They will get bigger and jucier, at least another 2 - 3 weeks.


Well-Known Member
4 weeks is definitely not enough for any strain that I know of to fully mature.Besides that you would be cutting your own throat in weight if you chopped right now my friend.Check your trichs and wait for the swell
Happy growing -SOHIGH-


They're lookin nice keep'm growing, are the CFLs supplimental or is that your main light source?


Well-Known Member
60 days of flowering is about the average time it takes for cannabis buds to mature. This is only my opinion though. It has been a good rule of thumb for me.


Well-Known Member
give them at least 8 weeks son....heres mine at 8 weeks which I could probably chop but Im probably gonna give her another week. It will look smokable when its ready :)


Active Member
Thanks everyone, ill let them go and post more pics in a couple weeks. How much bigger do you think they'll get? I'm giving indonesian bat guano and old roots alternating every week between the two, and started last week giving them molassis. ill give the molassis weely with the feeding.

The CFL's are supplimental, they roast under a 600 HPS for 12/12 with 6 cfl's for some of lower nugs. This my first indoor grow and i have learned a lot from all you folks on rollitup. THANKS EVERYONE.. This site is a great resource for all growers!

Here are some more pics, one is of a sativa that looks to have quite ways to go.



Well-Known Member
Looks very sativa by that pic so may be in for the long haul for flowering. Got a lot to go and will get a lot bigger. The CFLs probably won't do much unless its 6ft tall. 600w got decent penetration. No harm though.


Well-Known Member
nice buds, but you got a ways to go.....chillax and watch the magic show as they turn from a skinny teenager into a smokin' coed.....could be as much as 6 more weeks.