Are these roots bound? PICS +REP


Well-Known Member
if it started at the bottom its a nut deff get some nitro to your girls start with 1/4 strength though lightly water just so see how the react should green right up man and try to drop your temps to around 75 thanks for the +rep


Well-Known Member
i have that same strain in flowering right now and those looked just like mine as babies.. one of mine was very light green like yours. those look healthy tho bro, its a fast growing plant and very exciting to watch :) keeps us posted.


Active Member
i have that same strain in flowering right now and those looked just like mine as babies.. one of mine was very light green like yours. those look healthy tho bro, its a fast growing plant and very exciting to watch :) keeps us posted.
Will do. I've been doing some more research, and it kind of looks like a mix between nitrogen and potassium deficiency. This could be caused by a high or low potential of hydrogen, which I am unsure of the value, but from what I've read a pH too high or low could prevent nutes from being absorbed. Therefore, maybe if I fix that, I fix the N and P problem!


Well-Known Member
possibly it also could be that you've depleated the natural nutes in the small amount of soil you have and you need to add nutes ph is very imprtant when adding nuts though if you dont know your ph then adding nute can be dangerous for you plants as it affect the ph. step one get ph test kit for water and soil step tow for you get some nutes with nitrogen and potassium. look like more of a nitrogen problem though potassuim deff causes purpling of stems and yellowing of the margins of the leaves between the veins, veins stay greener, potassium is also very good for root and stem development/growth


Active Member
possibly it also could be that you've depleated the natural nutes in the small amount of soil you have and you need to add nutes ph is very imprtant when adding nuts though if you dont know your ph then adding nute can be dangerous for you plants as it affect the ph. step one get ph test kit for water and soil step tow for you get some nutes with nitrogen and potassium. look like more of a nitrogen problem though potassuim deff causes purpling of stems and yellowing of the margins of the leaves between the veins, veins stay greener, potassium is also very good for root and stem development/growth
Thanks again. I have some pH litmus paper, but unsure how to read it. I will try my best to go pick up a soil test kit from lowes tomorrow, because I bet the pH is off. Also, if it is off, what are some cheap/free ways I can raise or lower it? Sorry, but I am broke right now lol.:wall:


Well-Known Member
heck man hold on im gonna try to find you a link for that might help you diagnose alot of diff things and has recs for remedies i was just reading it two days ago


Active Member
Ah hell never mind, that is for testing qt-10 levels whatever the hell that is. :dunce: Damn I really need a pH tester. For cheap/free preferably loll.


Well-Known Member
um i thin the 200 is neutral ph 7 and 0 would be acidic while 400 would be alkaline ? if its fliped even 200 should be the neutral point wich is what you want the water an soil to be. but i would um reference a chem or biology book or a old teacher mayb? just tell them you have a cactus or something thats been giving you greif and you think its the ph of your water


Well-Known Member
yeah me too im broke as shit im running blind on my grow and im only using 3 cfl i ganked from round the house and im growing in a rubermaid tote with a fan from an old air hockey table for ventilation lol. damn bull man hate this shit but i love growing so i go with what i got or can scrounge you know?


Active Member
yeah me too im broke as shit im running blind on my grow and im only using 3 cfl i ganked from round the house and im growing in a rubermaid tote with a fan from an old air hockey table for ventilation lol. damn bull man hate this shit but i love growing so i go with what i got or can scrounge you know?
Hell ya man I feel ya. I started with 6 cfl from lowes in a homemade fixture, which worked ok. My ventilation system consists of 2 5in computer fans Jimmy-rigged to a 12 ac adapter I found lying around lmao. I sold a bunch of ps3 games on ebay and got $250 then got this 400w hps mh conversion system I'm using now. Money is hard to come by when your laid off:wall:. If wonder if home depot will take rabbit skins as payment for a pH tester?;-)


Well-Known Member
lol i dunno, but i never even had a chance for a job by the time i got out of college everything was so royally fucked, i got student loans to pay and shit how am i supposed to do that fml i can barely afford to smoke wich i rarely get to i hope these 3 15watters will get me at least some tiny buds


Active Member
lol i dunno, but i never even had a chance for a job by the time i got out of college everything was so royally fucked, i got student loans to pay and shit how am i supposed to do that fml i can barely afford to smoke wich i rarely get to i hope these 3 15watters will get me at least some tiny buds
Wow man don't tell me that shit I'm in college now :o , j/k, I know how the economy is man, I just hope it's a bit better in a year when I graduate, I dread paying back fucking loans:finger:


Well-Known Member
lol oh well its all monopoly money anyway THEY print more when THEY need it why should we care either? THEY are never held accountable why should we be?