Are these seedlings ready to switch from t5 to metal halide???


Active Member
These seedlings are two weeks old today. They've been under a 2' t5. Are they ready to switch to 400w metal halide? Would they grow faster or would I be wasting electricity? image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg
I'm just wondering if they have enough roots/ leaf sets to absorb all that light. I'd rather not waste electricity by switching until they're ready
they are ready. start out maybe 24" away and see how they like it.

what light schedule are you planning on using?
They've been on 18/6.

I ran my MH on 18/6 at 3 feet away, as I have a small tent that picks up a lot of heat. Also ran it on 75% with my ballast. Switched to HPS bulb a few weeks later. Still @ 75% to avoid heat issues. 2 1/2 feet away

Growth is very good

They plants need as much light as u can afford to give them. You can even go 24/0 if you like.
I started my seeds under 600 mh 24 hours on. Just not too close. They sprung up like crazy and it was an amazing experience