Are these seeds from a hermied plant good to grow???????????


Well-Known Member
Somehow my friend had seeds in his crop this time round was growing 1 mango and 23 bubba kush we never found seeds before and they both had seeds. Is it good to grow from hermied plants?

smokey mcsmokester

Well-Known Member
Let me rephrase my last statement... When I grew hermie seed, they were hermies from bad genetics.. Now if you stressed them to become hermie thats a different story... were these plants stressed? were they from bagseed?


Well-Known Member
No they were from clone and Im think its from stress because this is like his 3rd harvest and first time finding seeds


Well-Known Member
I disagree with these people. If it was from a typically stable strain you will likely get female seeds. Yes they may have more tendancy to herm, but only if you stress them. Take good care and you will just have girls. You may need to pick some male flowers off here and there, but in my opinion its well worth a seedless crop.


Active Member
My Godzilla popped out about three seeds in the whole plant. I planted one of those and it was a female. No seeds to be found. I think it's luck of the draw. You'll get some females and some hermies. Gotta keep a close watch if you plant em.


Well-Known Member
Ya seriously. Feminized seeds herm out if you stress them and so will over cloned genetics. Just be carefull and you won't normally get seeds. Seeds don't just show up, male pollen sacks develope and drop poleen and then you get seeds. If you look at your plants around flower time you can check to see if you are getting male pollen sacks. If the show up, pluck them off and your buds will not have seeds. Probelm solved.


Well-Known Member
my last harvest he gave me clones of each and I didnt have any seeds in my bud I was hoping it would be something special mango x bubba kush they both are some really good smoke.
they came off his mother plants

kbo ca

Active Member
There is no way of telling if the plants your seeds came from have hermaphroditic tendencies, or if your friend just had them in less than ideal conditions. There are many things that can cause a female plant to produce male anatomy. You won't know if your seeds will herm or not until you grow them out. Just keep a close eye, check all nodes for male pre flowers. Even late into flowering pollen can be produced. Keep on growing and keep a close eye on your girls, and you'll come out just fine. Respect


Active Member
Another trick for keeping them from herming is to pollinate a couple small buds early so they don't feel the need to herm to produce seeds.


Well-Known Member
All were female dont see any pod like structures only long white pistils and bud forming