are these shrooms ready?


Well-Known Member
I don't have much problems with corn... is the hardest to hydrate though...
I see it as a large food source with a relatively small surface area for contamination.
Also I don't for a second buy the stuff about more space for myc to grow in...
Basic science/math, take a room fill it with 20cm big balls, now do the same with 2cm big balls... the air spaces are exactly equal in volume.

Over here pooh and corn goes hand in hand, as where these guys naturaly occur there are lots of cows, eating lots of corn... ( I use horse manure though)

First step, (most important in my mind), let them soak for 24 hours in water... you can even mix in some antibacterial soap (I use ICQ), this gets rid of the majority of harboured contaminants.
The spores in there may be dry and protected, but after soaking they start to come to life, like hydrated shroom spores...and are at their most vulnerable... otherwise some can easily survive the PC... hell there are spores in outer space...

Rinse then PC them in short burst of about 20 minutes, checking in between, with regular boiling I guarnatee you cracked corn by the time they have enough water in and the skins start to soften.

now rinse and let them dry till the skins are no longer wet and glistening with droplets....
fill your jars , lightly screw on the lid and PC for sterilisation.
On completion of the PC cycle, tighten lids and shake jars up well... it is easiest to get the kernels to seperate right at that moment... if you wait, they may start clumping together. Aslo not rinseing well enough will leave the starch to glue them together....

Good luck buddy... today is harvest time for me... probably have about 200 shrooms to sit and pluck from my cased rye tubs... (tiny mofo's too, but they get bigger on second flush)


Well-Known Member
misting is seeming to help, they're getting bigger as time goes by....

however, this first flush is never ending.... i pull 20, i pull 30 6 hours later, i pull 20 more 8 hours later..... and they just keep on coming! wtf!!!