Surf or Die

please look at the photos. are these trichomes clear or cloudy ?


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Hard to tell from the pix but I'd guess milky. I've noticed in eyeballing tris that the darker the background you use to view them the more accurate a look you get. Spent years pulling off small sugar leaves and putting them upside down on a sheet of notebook paper while viewing with my 30X hand 'scope. Took this dummy a while to figure out that clear tris look milky with a white background. Now I balance the leaf on the back of my left hand and dial in the 'scope with my right. I believe I'm now getting a more accurate read on tri coloration.

Slightly OT -- After a while you may be able to skip the tri-viewing step altogether. With strains I'm familiar with I've noticed a correlation between tri coloration and pistil coloration. I can tell what the tris look like by tracking the pistils and the rate they turn dark. Most of my indicas tris seem to be 1 to 1 1/2 weeks behind the pistils in maturing. Means when the pistils are half orange/brown that the tris are a week or so from being half milky.

Good luck, BigSteve.
You really do not need any special Thing to look at the heads,I use my Mobile Phone in Macro Mode .22555589_1819389521407729_4641767946858363300_o.jpg
Just Make sure that if Possible you have your flash on with the camera lens has close has Possible,For really tarty Photo's i use a DSLR,But only if i'm wanting to use them on a web site.

Not too close that the pictures will blur,You need good focus then use crop on your lap tops Picture edit Program