Are these trips?


Well-Known Member
I think they might be thripes but all the pictures of thripes look bigger than what I have and I don't see any holes from them eating the leaves. First I noticed some purple on the leaves and thought it was nute or pH issue but then I looked closer saw the bugs. When I sprayed neem on the leaves, the purple washed off, I think it might be the bugs poop or eggs. The neem is slowing them down but not killing all of them I guess I should try spinosad?



Purple spots:
And some pics next to the edge of a dime and on the in God we trust to help scale the size of them. They don't move much. I'll blow in them and the just sit there but if I poke the adults, they just disappear, I guess they fly off but I just can't see them.

IMG_20160831_223536.jpg IMG_20160831_222754.jpg
Remember neem is a antifeedent not a kill on contact keep up the applications and give it time and it should help .......look into azamax it's great stuff kinda spendy but a little goes a long way ...also you can mix azamax and neem together with a drop of dawn dish soap works great. GL
I have an issue of thrips late in flower. Could someone help

I'm still not sure if what I had were thripes. They probably were. After I used up the bottle of neem, I got some captain jacks (spinosad) and when I went to spray that, I noticed they were all already dead but I sprayed some of the spinosad to make sure they didn't come back.

Both bottles said they could be used up to the day of harvest but that's probably for fruits and vegetables, not sure about smokable herb. Neither one left behind any residue and they dried quick so they might be OK to use. Luckily all my plants were still in veg.