are these worth planting?


i got about 25 sour diesel seeds from a friends dads outdoor grow that seeded. what are the odds of these being hermie seeds? would you try growing them out?


Active Member
Did a hermie or a male plant pollinate them? Are you growing indoors or out? If outdoors, unless you are south of the equator your season has passed and you should hold onto those seeds until next year. If that is the case, spend the time now looking for the best possible outdoor site you can find and prepping it for next year's grow.


Well-Known Member
as long as they didnt come off a hermi plant

and you dont cause them any stress then they shouldn't hermi on you !

so yea , id go ahead and plant some !

as long as your indoors


i am going to plant them indoors. i dont know how the fems got seeded. the guys that grew them are not too smart, im not too sure they could tell me the difference in a male, female, or hermie. i guess ill try them. i just hate the idea of running lights for three months to find out ive been growing herms.


Active Member
Even if some of them hermie on you, you can make hash out of them. So not completely a waste. Unless they all hermie. The odds would be really low on that happening, but after I had 10 out of 10 so-called feminized seeds grow big nanners I wouldn't give you odds.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
imo all seeds are worth germing unless you are absolutely certain of the outcome. fuckin sour diesel. even if they all were male or herm and you only got one good lady, would that not be worth it? you could mom it out and have it for years.