Are they dead?


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone. I just got clones yesterday. Most came in dirt but 3 came in cubes. 2 were AK47s and had very small cubes with no roots showing. The 3rd is a NY Diesel which was much bigger and had a much bigger cube with the roots starting to show.

The NY Diesel is doing fine, but the AK47s aren't doing so good.

The first pic is what they looked like by the time I got them home yesterday afternoon.

I used fresh potting soil to plant them in their dixie cups (pic 2) and I give them a little water (till I saw a small drip) and put them under the lights (two 400w). Everything else is right except the humidity which is 20% (getting a humidifier tonight).

When I woke up theis morning the leaves were curled up but still soft so I waited. It's now 3 and the leaves are starting to get dry & crispy (pic 3).

The question is, are they dead or is there still hope for them?

I appreciate any help. Thanks.



Active Member
they look overwatered and stressed from the transplant. i don't transplant until i see solid root development


Well-Known Member
i would pull them and start another grow. try to find out wat ur problem is and fix that.

These are the only 2 of the 9 that are having problems. I think the problem is it's cold here and even though I used a cooler & car heater to keep them warm, they just weren't mature enough to survive the ride/cold (the rest of the clones had a much larger root system).

I only have 1 pot to fill because I bought 9 clones and only have 8 pots (ran across a NY Diesel at the last minute).

So if I can't save them I'll just have to buy another clone. Still, I'm learning and saving them would be a good learning experience, but only if saving them is possible.


Active Member
prop them up with a small stake, give them plenty of light and air and leave the top 2inches dry out before next feed.

look out for roots at the bottom of the pot, if the plants dont perk up in 2-5 days uve lost them, START AGAIN but not until uve tried to save them, good luck.:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
If your clones were in small cubes with no roots showing they are not clones - they are branches.

Until they get roots you need to keep them in a dome and mist the leaves.


Active Member
this is why I only grow from seeds....the hassle with clones is not worth it no matter how cheap you get them for....they look too far gone if u ask me


Well-Known Member
prop them up with a small stake, give them plenty of light and air and leave the top 2inches dry out before next feed.

look out for roots at the bottom of the pot, if the plants dont perk up in 2-5 days uve lost them, START AGAIN but not until uve tried to save them, good luck.:eyesmoke:

Thanks, I'll try that. Would you also try some revive or just mist them with water a little?


Well-Known Member
If your clones were in small cubes with no roots showing they are not clones - they are branches.

Until they get roots you need to keep them in a dome and mist the leaves.

I assume they have very small roots in the cube, but can't say for sure of course.

I think I just learned another lesson, make sure the clones you buy have a decent root system started. A newbie mistake to be sure.

I'll have to look for a dome in the local stores. I'll try that too. Thanks


Active Member
if they arnt dead, shoot them. put them out of their misery. friggin plant abusers should have to register with the sex criminals....lolj/k


Active Member
Thanks, I'll try that. Would you also try some revive or just mist them with water a little?
NO WATER until the plants soil has dried out, thats a classic mistake to try and correct the fault.

just lots of light air and patience, if the plant has rooted there is a good chance it will come back, prop it up tho!! gl:bigjoint:


Active Member
I assume they have very small roots in the cube, but can't say for sure of course.

I think I just learned another lesson, make sure the clones you buy have a decent root system started. A newbie mistake to be sure.

I'll have to look for a dome in the local stores. I'll try that too. Thanks
exactly bro, you live, you learn. make sure next time your roots are robust b/f you transplant to a bigger pot.

and you don't need a hydro system to keep your cubes moist. cut the bottom half of a dixie cup or somethin....


Well-Known Member
this is why I only grow from seeds....the hassle with clones is not worth it no matter how cheap you get them for....they look too far gone if u ask me

Thanks Crim, but I prefer clones. You always know what you're getting that way. Plus I plan on cloning my own plants from now on. I'm only going to be getting new clones if I don't like a strain I'm growing, I run across a better strain, or I have one go male or hermie before I get a chance to clone it.

I think if I paid more attention to the root system of these 2 I probably wouldn't be having this problem.


Well-Known Member
NO WATER until the plants soil has dried out, thats a classic mistake to try and correct the fault.

just lots of light air and patience, if the plant has rooted there is a good chance it will come back, prop it up tho!! gl:bigjoint:

Cool, thanks again. I better get them proped up real quick before they get too brittle or something.


Well-Known Member
exactly bro, you live, you learn. make sure next time your roots are robust b/f you transplant to a bigger pot.

and you don't need a hydro system to keep your cubes moist. cut the bottom half of a dixie cup or somethin....

Well this is the only way this one dispensory sells their clones, so I guess I can't get any from them unless I figure out how to grow them in a cube.

I don't understand the dixie cup. If you mean put them in a dixie cup and water them in the cup, then I would need more info on how to tell when a cube needs watering and how much water to use.

The reason I started with dirt (other than reports of better taste) is because I'm comfortable with it. I used to grow Tiny Tom Tommatoes in my back yard when I was a kid, I loved them things, they were soo sweet. I've very uncomfortable with cubes though, I don't understand them at all.
cubes aren't bad... just an easy and cheap way to root your clones... if they aren't rooted yet (and it looks like they aren't) then just mist them with plain water and throw a plastic bag over the top of the cups you have them planted in and put them under a few cfls and mist them a few times a day (without a root system the only way they can get moisture is through the leafs... the next step is to wait... they will get better soon if they are still alive...