Are they done yet?


This is my 2nd attempt at growing weed indoors. They are autoflower DoSiDoes. This is from 4/24/23, they are at 10 weeks. Do they look ready to harvest?2023 DoSiDos at 10 weeks.jpg


Well-Known Member
the absolute telltale sign it's not ready; the uppermost hairs are still white. Also buds aren't very full, they definitely look like they're still stacking.


Well-Known Member
those look like they are coming on nicely, wait to see how nice they look in another 3-4 weeks. Keep up the good work she looks happy.


This is my 2nd attempt at growing weed indoors. They are autoflower DoSiDoes. This is from 4/24/23, they are at 10 weeks. Do they look ready to harvest?View attachment 5285087
Thank you, all of you. I think I harvested too early on my first grow, so glad to have you guys to help with this one. I thought they looked like they needed more time but I got another opinion from an experienced grower who said one more week. I think at least 3 more weeks then we'll see. Should I stop fertilizing?


Well-Known Member
Thank you, all of you. I think I harvested too early on my first grow, so glad to have you guys to help with this one. I thought they looked like they needed more time but I got another opinion from an experienced grower who said one more week. I think at least 3 more weeks then we'll see. Should I stop fertilizing?
No - keep her fed til end - she will gain more weight / calyx will continue to swell and harden off / pistils will mature and recede.

Dont flush or do any unnecessary things.

This is a photo of a DosiDo strain ( pretty much harvest ready ) SEE THE DIFFERENCE ?


That “ experienced grower “ doesn’t know what he is talking about.


Well-Known Member
BTW - congrats on your second grow.

I was thinking about what might be elongating your grow - tell us bout your grow setup.

Lights used
Temps / RH
Nutes / medium
Water / PH


BTW - congrats on your second grow.

I was thinking about what might be elongating your grow - tell us bout your grow setup.

Lights used: Viparspectra
Temps / RH: 72-85F, RH 50%
Nutes / medium Tiger Bloom
Water / PH I have a hard time reading that ph meter, I think it's at 9, I could be wrong.


Well-Known Member
Hopefully that PH meter is wrong. Try to hit a ph at or near soil ( 6.5 ) sometimes when you hit into late flower ( the buffering starts to wane ). You can also top dress more fresh soil on top and water in for a medium “ recharge “ to host medium.

Does viperspectra have DUAL SWITCHES ?
If so run both ON ( always ).


Hopefully that PH meter is wrong. Try to hit a ph at or near soil ( 6.5 ) sometimes when you hit into late flower ( the buffering starts to wane ). You can also top dress more fresh soil on top and water in for a medium “ recharge “ to host medium.

Does viperspectra have DUAL SWITCHES ?
If so run both ON ( always ).
Yes it does, I've had it on flower since the buds showed up. I'll switch to both. I have it on 20 hrs and off 4 hours.