Are they gunna die!!!!


Active Member
i have2 lowryder/ak-47's going in a Bubbleponics system..they were looking great,but now they r lookin like they r in their 90's(old n druppy).heres the box is in the garage ..for the last few weeks its been a nice temp inside there..well its gettn hot light cycle was "off at 6am to 10 am..changed it to 3pm to 7pm cause of the heat of the my plants went without dark for 35 plus hours..well the same night,a coat slid to the side of my box and blocked my vents off ,so it got to 114 or so in there..ill have pix here shortly to post(soon as they wakeup from their nap)..
my question is..has anyone ever done this and had the plants pull out of it??

PS..the same night i also started full nutes cause they r 3 weeks old and had some nice fluff to them..
hell could i have a nute burn?

gues u wont know till i get pix..thx guy n gals :peace:
yeah without pictures man it's hit or miss. most likely it might be too hot in the garage for them or you may have burned them. you should start small 1/4 dose for nutes the first feeding. then i would keep it 1/2 to 3/4 the recommended dose from then on.


Active Member
ok ..the big one was geminated 2 day after the small one..the small one ,i broke the tap root on transplant into jiffy deal..but recoverd r some pix..the u will c the small one and the bigger 1..they r both 3 week from seed...and a pix of my grow box..change it up from LED's to HPS and cfl's..with the LED's..they r 2 100watt hps's..home made reflector :shock:..ballst on top,lol(dont worry,im an electrician)..:joint:..2 65 watt 2900k clf's.. 4 23 watt 6500k cfl's..and 3 42 watt 2700k..and i have plenty more..but took out the 24 and 42 watters cause of the heat..wasnt really too hot tho..but like i said earlier the vent got off the subject.

the bigger plant actually grew 2 more stems sence this!..little one sick



Active Member
definitely showing stress signs.

If you haven't already have a look here

that can help you diagnose nute issues. The severe heat likely impacted them as well. I hope you let them cool down slowly instead of instantly jamming them into the coldest space you could find, which would just have shocked them even further.
I don't think you are in danger of killing them just yet, but you do need to take it easy on them and get into a consistent pattern... the plants will adjust.


Active Member
Gave them a d.water bath..suckers r 3 times as big as those pix from a few days ago..but too bad my wife just found them..gota find them a new drink(i was hammerd) and stare at ur awesome plants for a few hours..someones bound to walk thro..DUH!:wall: