are they legalizen pot?


Well-Known Member
absolutely true growone, dont know why i worded it as a diagreement, i knew we were on the same page, and i love the doomsday vault idea, i should do the same ;)

and roach your right decrim would almost be better, but again it would need to be adopted on a federal level for it to mean anything. i mean, a state decides that within its borders, its legal period, and the feds are gunna have a hard time fighting something like that. it dont matter what the topic is, i would hope that anytime a state decides they know better than the feds, they hold onto that thought and fight for it, or threaten to secede otherwise.

the problem with decrim is that when that sort of legislation is passed, it isnt on a state level, its always on a much smaller level. Look at Colorado, who now have 3 different towns who have decrimd, Oregon which has been decrim for over 35 years (and i assure you, growing up in Portland, i WAS still arrested for pot) and even Philadelphia is doing what they can to stop wasting so much money on this cause. Guess what, none of the cops in any of those towns are going to recognize what their town (or state in Oregons case) voted on, because they will always have that 'its still federally illegal' card to play. It would take a federal decrim across the board for it truly to be safe, and we know that isnt happening anytime soon becuase theres no money in that.

as of yet, all decriminalization has done so far is effectively replace the 'Marijuana Tax Stamp', as in, it has only become a way to make people FEEL they are safe, even though they definitely still are not.


Active Member
even if all 50 states legalize it....the fucking feds never will....thats no more pot busts for them, thats millions of dollars in cash and property seizures lost....weed will never be legal on a federal level....and i would hate to see it happen, because if the government is running something its gonna get very screwed up, guaranteed...


Well-Known Member
Make it legal. Who cares who profits most? That's how you decide what your rights are? The gov't has been abusively legislating morality for years and years and the only concern when it comes to legalization is who is going to profit? Did the big alcohol companies knock out the moonshiners? Who the fuck cares? Are we not glad it's legal to drink? The right to smoke pot should be treated no differently.

I agree 'decriminalizing' is just a tactic to make the public feel better about the abusive laws in our country.

The key to legalizing mairjuana is to realize that "They" aren't going to legalize shit, "We" are going to legalize marijuana. This isn't something that's happening magically or through some sort of magically social revolution. It's being driven and it's being supported by the people who understand and care about people's rights. Get involved, join the fight, and let's get to legalizing this shit in November. THEY aren't going to do it for you.

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
I wouldn't hold my breath. It's just too big of a change to make overnight. There are too many people who make too much $ off it being illegal for it to happen IMHO. Possibly it could be passed in Cali or w/e but it would just be such a conflict of interest to totally legalize it while it is still a federal offense in the rest of the country and some states haven't even legalized medical MJ yet or maybe wouldn't anyway. I honestly don't think I'll see it my lifetime even with what's going on here.

You got my vote though, where do I sign?


Well-Known Member
i like your mentality laser, and i dont disagree with anything you say, except for the moonshiner part lol. ill tell you who cared about that, the moonshiners. i guarentee any one of them thought they made better boooze, and iam sure they cared very much. to say who cares to them is just as bad as those who are saying who cares to us. but the difference there is that alcohol, when brewed improperly, can be incredibly harmful if not fatal. i dont know anyone who grew any weed and it killed them. sure people might die from laced shit here and there, but really thats because it came from a source who didnt care who was harmed in the process so long as their weight was moved by any means necessary, even if it meant making their shitty weed seem better with dangerous chemicals.

i would go back and read my first post in this thread again. what iam talking about is not being angry at who profits. with booze there are many profiters and many types of booze, but in the case of marijuana, since sooooo many people think that its a dangerous gateway satan drug that causes abortions and puppy mutilation, if it were federally regulated, i highly doubt we would have the selection, quality, and open market that is available now, in fact i bet it would shadow in comparison to the booze industry. its the illegality that makes pot need to be good, people dont want to take the risk for shitty weed. if the govt ran it all, legalized it all, and were the only sellers, you can bet that all things, taste potency and price, would all be mediocre at best. why would they make it any good if they were to make MORE money by selling worse stuff? if its shitty, youll smoke more and give them more cash, or end up having to quit cuz like our elders, 'it aint what it was in my day!'


Well-Known Member
If legalization is coming then more folks need to think about being breeders and breed some bomb sheeet

think about it, what we have now are strains and most of em don't come from the US, if it becomes legal what we will have will be brands and they will become trademarked like Jim Beam and Jack Daniels and just like liquor stores you will walk in and choose your brand, whether it be cheap or top shelf, I like single malt scotch and "my Brand" cost over $40 a fifth

You can stock up your own personal war chest or you can start breeding your BRAND

Think about it

Im stoned

you know what i think? i think ... maybe they will legalize it .... but if they do its to stop drug dealers. i saw this video on youtube about this judge o whatever talking about decriminalizing marijuana. they said they would do it to shut down gangs and dealers. i think that decrim wont help that , but i would still ove for them to legalize it hahaha.